題 名 | 全身振動職業暴露之健康危害分析--以火車駕駛人員為例=The Hazard Analysis of the Train Drivers' Occupational Whole-Body Vibration Exposure |
作 者 | 魯文印; 蕭景祥; 何先聰; 賴俊雄; |
書刊名 | 衛生教育學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁129-146 |
分類號 | 412.53 |
關鍵詞 | 全身振動; 下背酸痛; 鐵路司機; 工作場所; 盛行率; Whole-body vibration low back pain railroad trainman prevalence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在評估火車乘務人員(機車長、司機員、行車助理、駕駛助理)暴露 於工作場所全身振動量之大小及其對乘務人員健康之影響。 研究對象包括兩部份,第一部份係選取臺灣省西部山線的各式鐵路列車(包括自強號、莒光 號、復興號、平快車),以PV-62檢波器置於火車駕駛座上,配合TEAC-R61紀錄駕駛者全身 振動訊號,並利用RION SA-27分析評估各式列車駕駛者全身振動之暴露。第二部份係立意選 取彰化機務段乘務人員及非乘務人員,以結構式問卷調查其工作現況及健康狀況。 研究結果發現: 一、全身振動監測評估部分:全身振動在X軸之加權加速度最大值為0.23m/s�插A容許暴 露時間為7小時30分;Y軸之加權加速度最大值為0.57m/s�插A容許暴露時間為1小時56分;Z 軸之加權加速度最大值為0.52m/s�插A容許暴露時間為4小時20分。總加權加速度(WAS)最大 值為0.89m/s�揹e許暴露時間為1小時40分。 二、問卷評估部分:乘務組下班時感到疲勞的情形、乘務組工作時感受到壓力、噪音較 嚴重,乘務組與非乘務組間的差異達統計顯著水準。乘務組認為駕駛火車時,因擔心路況不 佳(79.1%)、火車故障(62.7%)及旅客安全(41.8%)等,而自覺工作壓力大。受訪者近一年來 ,自覺身體各部酸痛現象盛行率,均以乘務組較高,各組間在頸部、腰部、薦部、下背部的 酸痛現象,以卡方檢定達顯著差異。 前述各項研究結果,可作為釐訂職業駕駛者(鐵路司機),工作場所健康促進計畫之重 要參考。 |
英文摘要 | In this research wer focus on the train drivers who serve for the western mountain route. The route is between Taipei and Kaohsiung. The purpose of this research is to investigate the whole-body vibration of these train drivers. In the moving trains a PV-62 pick-up installed on the train's seat was used to measure the train's vibration. The signals were recorded by the TEAC-R61 recorder and analyzed by the R10N SA-27. The subjects were classified into study group or control group according to whether the subject was a trainman or not. Aquestion- naire survey was conducted to study the neck-back health problems for the past one year. The results appear the maximum weight acceleration in X-axis is 0.23m/s�惱r 7-hours 30-minutes Fatigue-decreased proficiency (FDP) exposure limit; The minimum weight acceleration is 0.09m/s�� or over 24-hour FDP exposure limit. The maximum weight acceleration in Y-axis is 0.57m/s�� or 1-hours 56-minutes FDP exposure limit. The minimum weight acceleration is 0.27m/s�� or 6-hours FDP exposure limit. The maximum weight acceleration in Z-axis is 0.52m/s�� or 4-hours 20-minutes FDP exposure limit. The minimum weight acceleration is 0.09m/s�� or over 24-hours FDP exposure limit. The maximum of Weight Acceleration Sum (WAS) is 0.89m/s�� or 1-hour 40-minutes FDP exposure limit; The minimum is 0.42m/s�� or 6-hours 10-minutes FDP exposure limit. The results of the questionnaire survey show that the prevalence of neck, shoulder, upper back, lumbar, sacrum and low back pain on the study group in the past one year are 65.1%、50.0%、35.0%、 55.7%、24.8%, and 56.5% respectively. Especially, there is a significant difference between study group and control group (p<0.05) for the neck, lumbar, sacrum and low back pain, The subjects who have operated the train have the best healthy condition. |