題 名 | 社區民眾健康促進自我導向學習經驗研究--以學童母親自我導向學習急救知能為例=Research on the Self-Directed First-Aid Learning of Schoolchildren's Mothers |
作 者 | 鄭惠美; | 書刊名 | 衛生教育學報 |
卷 期 | 11 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁37-58 |
分類號 | 412.775 |
關鍵詞 | 自我導向學習; 急救; 學童母親; 衛生教育; 社區; 專業; 非專業; 準實驗設計; Self-directed learning; First-aid; Community; Professionals; Health; Education; Promotion; Quasi-experimental; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 針對自我導向學習衛生教育策略本土化過程中所面臨擴廣人力不足的困難,本研 究擬設計發展--以學校為社區中心,應用家長資源協助學童母親自我導向學習急救知能的推 廣模式,主要目的有四:(1)瞭解學童母親需求的急救知能並發展自我導向學習計劃書草案 ,(2)驗證自我導向學習急救知能策略能有效提昇學習者的急救知識、自評急救技術、自我 導向學習急救傾向、急救勇氣,(3)驗證不論由有無醫護教育專業背景促進者所協助的學習 小團體的學習效果是一樣的,(4)建立培植非醫護教育專業人士協助學童母親自我導向學習 急救知能的推廣模式。 為達成研究目的,本研究於1996年至1997年間,以臺北縣三所國小的334位學童母親為 研究對象,其中143位為實驗組,191位為對照組,實驗組又分為專業組(67人),非專業組 (76人),以準實驗設計、多元迴歸分析、焦點團體、內容分析法等量化、質化的研究法, 進行實驗研究。 研究結果發現(1)學童母親需求的急救知能以嚴重傷害之急救為主,如:CPR、嚴重外傷 、心臟病、中風突發之緊急處理,(2)自我導向學習急救知能策略確實可提昇學習者的急救 知識、自評急救技術、自我導向學習急救傾向、急救勇氣,(3)由醫護教育專業促進者或非 醫護教育專業促進者協助之學習小團體具有相同的學習效果;最後並根據研究結果提出本土 化自我導向學習衛生教育策略的推廣模式。 |
英文摘要 | To solve the problem of manpower shortages which occurred in the extension of localizing the self-directed health education learning project, this research intends to design a self-directed first-aid learning model for schoolchildren's mothers. There are three major purposes in this study: (1) Find out what kind of first-aid knowledge and skills are needed by school- children's mothers. (2) Testify the effectiveness of self-directed first-aid learning model. (3) Prove that the learning effects in small learning groups are the same, no matter whether they are supported by professionals with medical backgrounds, or not. To achieve these purposes, this research was carried out on 334 school- children's mothers at 3 elementary schools in Taipei county from 1996 to 1997. These mothers were divided into two groups. One was the experimental group which had 143 people, and the other was the control group with 191 people. The experimental group was further divided into the professional group (N=67) and the non-professional group (N=76). By adopting quantity and quality research methods, such as quasi-experimental designs, multiple-regressions, focus groups and content analysis, the experiment was carried out. The results show: (1) the first-aid knowledge and skills that schoolchildren's mothers needed was mostly about the first-aid of serious injuries, such as CPR, severe external injuries, heart diseases and sudden strokes. (2) The self-idrected first-aid learning model could really help the learner to self-evaluate first-aid skills, and increase first-aid knowledge, first-aid courage, and the SDLRS of first-aid. (3) All small learning groups, supported either by professionals or by non- professionals, shared the same learning effects. |