題 名 | 美國各大城市實施社區警政現狀之研究=A Study of Community Policing in Six American Cities |
作 者 | 章光明; | 書刊名 | 理論與政策 |
卷 期 | 13:3=51 1999.09[民88.09] |
頁 次 | 頁193-223 |
分類號 | 575.84 |
關鍵詞 | 社區警政; 專業化警察模式; 問題導向警政; Community policing; Professional model of policing; Problem oriented policing; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 社區警政,不但是世界警政發展的主流趨勢,更已成為當今各國警政改革的代名 詞。本研究蒐集了美國六個實施社區警政夙負盛名城市的實證資料,研究發現:每個城市警 察局所推出的各種工作方案,都在為了提昇居民的生活品質而努力;而所採取的策略均為: 民眾參與、問題導向、降低犯罪…等。本研究根據這些資料,提出對我國實施社區警政時的 幾點建議: 適度分權;正視警察實務機關的研發功能;實施報案分類制度;善用警察組織中 非警職的人力資源;發動民間團體評鑑警察績效。 |
英文摘要 | Community policing has become not only a main stream of policing internationally, but a substitute of police reform in every country as well. This study collected empirical data of six American cities in implementing community policing programs and found that these police bureaus made every effort to promote citizens' quality of life. Their strategies are community participation, problem orientation, crime prevention, and so on. Based on the data, this study provides several suggestions for our police organizations: decentralization, the establishment of research and development unit, differentiation of reporting system, a proper use of civilian employees, performance evaluation by non-government agencies. |