題 名 | The NOx Reduction in a Plasma Torch for the Hazardous Liquid Waste Treatment=電漿火炬處理有害液體廢棄物之氮氧化合物減量 |
作 者 | 謝賢書; 陳珠修; | 書刊名 | 長榮學報 |
卷 期 | 2:1 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁91-101 |
分類號 | 400.16 |
關鍵詞 | 電漿火炬; 氮氧化合物; 液態廢棄物處理; Plasma torch; NOx liquid waste treatment; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 許多難以處理的有害廢棄物,在攝氏五千度以上的熱電漿環境下輕易、迅速地被分解成簡單地分子、原子,最後氧化成簡單的CO�砟咠�烙,但也伴隨著氧氣及氮氣的氧化生成物,即氮氧化合物。迄今,所有以空氣為載體氣體之熱電漿處理系統,氮氧化合物之排放濃度通常都高達2,000ppm。本研究藉著氮氣與有害液態廢棄物中的碳、氫競爭反應,以減少氮氧化合物的生成。為達成上述目的,霧化的液態廢棄物沿著圓柱型電漿反應室的內以切線方向注入。由於在電漿反應室之滯留時間極短,液態廢棄物的碳、氫分別被裂解及部分氧化,但大部分的氮氣則未參予反應。本研究分別以苯、甲苯、氯苯作實驗,結果顯示適當地控制操作條件,這三種難處理有機物之破壞去除率皆可達99.99 %,而其氮氧化合物之排放濃度可以控制在200 ppm以內。 |
英文摘要 | The application of thermal plasma to hazardous liquid waste destruction has not been widely used because of high NOx emission. The published papers show that NOx emission in the thermal plasma system with air as carrierb gas is usually as high as 2,000 ppm. The innovative works in our thermal plasma system are the coppermade tubular torch providing a stable and long-life source of thermal plasma jet and the configuration of the plasma reaction chamber. The atomized liquid wastes are fed vortically from holes in the side-wall of the plasma reaction chamber. The above configuration assures the destruction of wastes taking place in the outer layer of the plasma jet and stabilize the plasma jet. Tuning operating conditions of feed-rate and concentration of POHCs in test liquid, NOx emission can be controlled below 200 ppm without the use of additional de-NOx devices. We use benzene and chlorinated benzene as test liquid in the experiments. The results show that 99.99 % of DRE can be easily obtained. |