- Crosslinking of Sulfonated Cotton Cellulose Part Ⅰ: Crosslinking and Physical Properties of DMDHEU Treated Fabrics
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題 名 | Crosslinking of Sulfonated Cotton Cellulose Part Ⅰ: Crosslinking and Physical Properties of DMDHEU Treated Fabrics=磺化纖維素纖維之架橋 |
作 者 | 陳建智; | 書刊名 | 亞東工業專科學校學報 |
卷 期 | 18 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁(1)1-(1)15 |
分類號 | 478.1 |
關鍵詞 | 磺化; 纖維素纖維; 架橋; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究將纖維素纖維予以各種程度之磺化處理,然後將布樣以DMDHEU為架橋劑在 混合催化劑下行溫和之熱焙處理 (Mild Curing) 實驗結果顯示, 在同一壓吸澱內含相濃度 DMDHEU 下,加工布之氮含量隨磺化程度之提高而變大; 可是甲醛含量卻隨磺化程度之提高 而減低。 加工布物性方面,在同一加工布△ DCRA 及△ TSR 下,加工布之△ DCRA 隨磺化 程度的提高而變大。 在同一加工布之 CL/AGU 值下,加工布之△ WCRA 及 CL lingth 隨加 工布磺化程度之提高而變。 (註:本文研究內容已為 Textile Research Journal 所接受, 並刊載於 1998 年 2 月份 (vol,68,No2, february 1998) 之該期刊內)。 |
英文摘要 | Various degrees of sulfonated and unsulfonated cotton fabric samples were treated with DMDHEU in the presence of mixed catalyst at mild curing temperature. At a same DMDHEU concentration in the bath, the nitrogen contents of the finished fabrics are increased with increasing the degree of sulfonation of cotton fabrics; however, the formaldehyde contents of the finished fabrics are decreased with increasing the degree of sulfonation of cotton fabrics. The △ WCRA values are increased with the increase of sulfonation degree of the cotton fabrics at a same value of △ DCRA and △ TSR. For a given value of CL/AGU, the △ WCRA and CL length values are increased as the degree of sulfonation of cotton fabrics increased. |