- 從幼教老師電腦網路使用現況與需求探討幼教老師專業成長的管道
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題 名 | 從幼教老師電腦網路使用現況與需求探討幼教老師專業成長的管道=From a Survey on Early Childhood Teacher's uses and Needs of Internet to Explore the Possibility for Teachers' Professional Development |
作 者 | 林慧芬; | 書刊名 | 幼兒教育年刊 |
卷 期 | 10 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁91-106 |
分類號 | 523.26 |
關鍵詞 | 網際網路; 電腦; 幼教老師; 專業成長; Internet; Computer; Early childhood teacher; Teacher's professional development; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨從幼教老師電腦網路使用現況與需求之調查中,探討幼教老師運用網際 網路幫助其專業成長的可能性。 本研究針對臺北縣市( 107 份)及其他縣市( 27 份)參 與幼教研習會的現職幼師做問卷調查。以描述統計法分析,及兩個百分比的差異顯著性考驗 檢驗得出下列結果:一、幼師認為在工作上對網路有其需求性,另工作與網路也有其相關性 。二、然而,幼師使用電腦的頻率低,幾乎不使用者佔近四成。如有使用電腦,首要目的為 文書處理,有五成。三、約八成的幼師幾乎不使用網路。如有使用網路,首要目的為“利用 圖書館查詢系統”。四、幼師沒有使用網路的首要前三個原因:無電腦設備者佔 30.8%;有 電腦但無網路者佔 28%;有網路,但不知如何使用者佔 17.8%。五、幼師認為推廣使用網路 最需加強的服務為增加使用者電腦教育訓練者最多,佔 62.9%。對幼師而言,網路資源的認 識與運用正是一片有待開發的沃土。 |
英文摘要 | The aim of this study is from a survey on early childhood teachers uses and needs of internet to explore the possibility for teacher's profess-ional development. 134 in-service teachers participated in this investigation. The data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics. The results are as follows: 一、 The early childhood teachers think that the internet is necessary and related to their work; 二、However, 78% of the teachers rarely use internet; 40% of the teachers rarely use the computers. 三、 30% of the early childhood teachers said that the main reason that they don't use internet is for lack of computers. Yet, for 44% of those who own the computers are not familiar with internet. 四、The main purpose of using computers is for words process; the main purpose to use internet is for the library search. 五、 The main service in need to promote internt is to provide the teachers with the primary computer lessons. The conclusion is although internet can connect the users to various resources for teacher's professio-nal development, early childhood teachers need more training to make the best use of internet. |