題 名 | 紅外線脈波在中醫診斷上的應用=Application of Infared Vessel Pulse Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine |
作 者 | 翁清松; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 16:1 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁177-231 |
分類號 | 413.2 |
關鍵詞 | 紅外線; 中醫; 高血壓; Infrared ray; Chinese medicine; Hypertensinon; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本系統係利用一套自製的紅外線手指容積脈波量測系統來對高血壓 患者與非高血壓者進行量測,並藉著訊號的時域與頻域分析來比較其波形 的特徵。至於時域參數的選擇則採當前中醫脈診系統測量的波形參數。選 擇這些參數的理由則基於血管內容積與壓力的相關性。 透過與中國醫藥學院的合作,我們收集到118位受測者的訊號(高血 壓38人,非高血壓80人),其中高血壓患者與非高血壓者在時域波形上 的差異,最明顯處在於高血壓者右手的UP時距(223.75±42.84(ms))大 於非高血壓者的(181.07±45.44(ms)),且在右手的"UP時距/UU時距" 比值上,高血壓者(0.3108±0.043)亦大於非高血壓者的(0.2607±0.061)。 至於頻域部份的分析,主要是比較SER(10)的統計意義,結果並沒發現因 高血壓的出現而有差別。以上這些結果的產生,相信是心血管系統的特性 因高血壓之故,已發生改變所致。至於其他非高血壓因素的統計比較結果 一樣沒有什麼差別。 最後,這種脈波量測工具真的能夠診斷出除心血管之外的疾病呢﹖還 有待系統的改進及大量真的臨床資料來支持。 |
英文摘要 | This research was to investigate the pulse signals of hypertensive patients and non-hypertensive patients by a self-made Infrared ray finger plethysmography system and then to analyze the signals with time domain and frequency domain (SER(10)) methods. By the cooperation with China Medical Collage, 118 signals of finger pulse of patients (38 hypertensive patients) 80 non-hypertensive patients) were collected and analyzed. The statistical results showed the differences of the pulses between hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients. Those were the U-P duration (223.75 ± 42.84(ms)) of right hands of hypertensive patients greater than the values (181.07 ± 45.44(ms) ) of non-hypertensive patients, the ratio of "U-P duration/U-U duration" (0.3108 ± 0.043) of right hands of hypertensive patients greater than that (0.2607 ± 0.061) of the non-hypertensive patients. In the frequency domain analysis, the groups of hypertensive patients and non- hypertensive patients were compared with SER (10), and the statistical results showed no significant difference. The above results of time domain analysis may be due to the changes of the vascular properties or the increasing of peripheral resistance of vascular system which caused the increasing of duration of ventricular contraction in a heart beat cycle. The pattern of infrared ray pulse was compared with the pattern of Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis. It showed that the hypertensive patients with no derived diseases including cerebral stroke, heart diseases, diabetes and kidney diseases had the pulse attribute of stringrough. Finally, a great deal of signal collection and further study are necessary, for the application of the Infrared ray pulse finger plethysmography system in the diagnosis of diseases other than the cardiovascular diseases. |