題 名 | 視障者的語言問題:視障生之言談轉接=Language Problems of the Visually Impaired: Turn-Taking Behavior of the Blind Discourse |
作 者 | 陳俊仁; 萬明美; 洪振耀; | 書刊名 | 聽語會刊 |
卷 期 | 13 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁78-88 |
分類號 | 529.65 |
關鍵詞 | 言談轉接; 視覺障礙; 回歸主流; 溝通能力; 非語言要素; 定向行動; 重疊; 停頓; 特殊教育; 對話分析; Mainstreaming; Turn-taking; Conversational analysis; Pause; Overlap; Nonverbal communication; Special education; O & M; Communicative competence; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 綜觀人類溝通系統所涉及的官能,聽覺與視覺所承擔的功能最為突出。口語經由聲波的傳遞與聽覺串連成了一個體系。此外,透過光波,視覺與肢體動作、面部表情、及眼神等則構成了另一體系。雖然眼、耳、鼻、舌、及皮膚等感官隨時隨地不停地接收著包羅萬象的訊息,然而這些感官在人際溝通系統之中所佔的比重卻有所分別。一旦相關的官能本身未能依一定的比重發揮其溝通功能時,溝通障礙發生的機率勢必增高。人類語言演化的結,使當前聲波為基礎的聽語取得了溝通系統中的優勢地位;因此就一般的認知,語言相關研究人員多數偏重聽語層面的探討。至於視覺語言交互關係的議題,卻殊少受重視。 本文主旨在於探討視障缺損所衍生的言談轉接(conversational turn taking)現象。所謂的「言談轉接」是指交談進行中,交談者其聽與講之角色切換的協調。若觀察自然交談的情境,不難察覺交談者在面對面溝通時常運用到的各種語言互動的視覺成份。比如:頷首示意、及眼神凝視等。而本文所討論的重點即是當視覺管道發生障礙時,言談轉接的行為是否亦將發生變異。 為了調查視覺回饋的有無對於面對言談轉接的影響層面與程度,本文分別以台北縣中平國中15名視明生與臺北市立啟明學校中學部15名先天失明之視障生兩組為對象,並採用對話分析法(conversational analysis)的研究方法將每3名學生的交談內容錄下。之後的影音資料再轉寫成對話劇本式的書面資料。在檢驗兩組的每次發言長度、轉接速度、重疊及轉接停頓之後,整體的分析結果顯示,發生視覺缺損的受試者其言談轉接速度確實較視明者為,然而其每次發言的句數卻多於視明者(p<.05)。換言之,由於視覺缺損可能對言談轉接產不利的影響,視障生在一旦取得發言權後,都將盡可能的暢所欲言。這樣的結論意味著,視者與視明者面對面交談互動的模式在特定層面上有所差異。因此,一般大眾與視障者溝通時應體認這樣的差異和其不便之處。 本研究除了期望能為視障者語言溝通本質的認知有所裨益之外,更深切地期盼視障者所面臨的各種語言問題能獲得教育社工各界的重視、為未來視障生回歸教育主流鋪路。 |
英文摘要 | The main concern of this study is to investigate how turn-taking behavior of the blind in the vis-a-vis conversational triads is different from that of the sighted. Vision and hearing assumingly play the most essential roles in the human communication system. Provided that either one is impaired, respective deviant language behavior could be observed. Though issues about linguistic competence of the blind have been widely examined since Togh brought to light the phenomenon of verbalism in 1928, aspects in relation to their communicative competence had not been explored until these two decades. As one of the most easily observed interactive behavior, the aspects of conversational turn-taking are applied to the present study. Turn-taking at talk regularly refers to the constant exchange of the speaker and listener roles in the interactive process. While exchanging speaking turns, interactive participants employ both the verbal and nonverbal cues, such as eye gazes, head nods, and the like, to coordinate the exchanging process. Consequently, it is wondered if the blind may develop a distinct turn-taking behavior from that of the sighted. To explore this question, 30 subjects were selected to participate in this study. Of them, 15 subjects are congenitally blind pupils (mean age=15;5) studying at Taipei Municipal Chi-Ming School for The Blind, while the others are sighted subjects (mean age=14;2) at Chung Ping Junior High School, located in Taipei county. The blind and sighted groups are further divided into five conversational triads respectively. After that, the conversational process of each triads was video-taped and transcribed for examining their (1) turn-size and the total turn number and utterances, (2) pauses, and (3) overlaps. The result shows that turn size and total turn number of the two groups present statistically significant differences by means of 2-tail T test at .05 level. The mean turn size of our blind subjects is larger than that of the sighted; however, the mean total turn number of the blind is smaller than that of the sighted. Despite that the blind as a whole take fewer turns than that of the sighted, the evidences indicate that once they held the floor, they would produce much more utterances in it. Obviously, the absence of vision does influence swift interactive transition among conversationalists. Finally, this study is expected to help the special education practitioners better understand the interactive behavior of the visually impaired. Meanwhile, it suggests that further investigation in this aspect is urgently needed for the future mainstreaming of the blind pupils in Taiwan. |