- Ontogenetic Development of Taste Buds in the Oropharyngeal Cavity of Juvenile and Young Japanese Croaker, Argyrosomus Japonicus
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題 名 | Ontogenetic Development of Taste Buds in the Oropharyngeal Cavity of Juvenile and Young Japanese Croaker, Argyrosomus Japonicus=日本銀身 (Argyrosomus japonicus)稚魚期及幼魚期口咽腔內部味蕾的發育 |
作 者 | 林坤龍; 黃寶貴; 陳哲聰; |
書刊名 | 臺灣水產學會刊 |
卷 期 | 25:1 1998.03[民87.03] |
頁 次 | 頁37-44 |
分類號 | 388.5 |
關鍵詞 | 日本銀身; 掃描式電子顯微鏡; 味蕾; 發育變化; 口咽腔; Japanese croaker; Scanning electron microscope; SEM; Taste buds; Ontogenetic changes; Oropharyngeal cavity; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗利用掃瞄式電子顯微鏡,分折日本銀身□(Argyrosomus japonicus)稚魚 期及幼魚期口咽腔內味蕾的分佈及形態學特徵,結果顯示本魚種兩成長階段味蕾旨分佈於 上下顎區、舌與口蓋區和鰓咽區及咽齒區。味蕾可分四型,其中三型與一般硬骨魚相似, 另在上皮褶層(epithelial fold)或狹長隆起(ridge)頂端有型IV的味蕾成行排列其上。口 咽腔內同一區的味蕾皆超過兩型。型I味蕾間或型IV味蕾間具有很多封閉或半封閉的溝渠 ,其功能似為延長化學感受作用的刺激時間,以利促進攝食效果。 兩成長階段味蕾的密度均以咽齒區及上下顎區較高,其餘各區皆很少。這些高密度味 蕾在咬食、嚼貪和吞食的攝食行為上扮演食物選別與決定是否吞嚥等角色。口咽腔內同一 區域稚魚期味蕾的密度顯著大於幼魚期,而總味蕾數則以幼魚期較高。型IV味蕾在椎魚期 逐潮發育,幼魚期己臻完全。因此推論本魚種在稚魚期及幼魚期可能具有不同的生態棲所 和食性。此外,在四型味蕾中以型I為最主要並密集於齒區周圍,顯示獵物經牙齒咬嚼之 體液為其味蕾感受之主要刺激來源;因此,本魚種強銳之上下顎齒、咽齒及排列稀疏之粗 短鰓耙等特性,更進一步顯示本魚種自稚魚期至幼魚期均為典型之肉食性魚種。 |
英文摘要 | The distribution, types and density of taste buds in the oropharyngeal cavity of Japanese croaker, Argyrosomus japonicus, were studied by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Taste buds were found on mandibula, maxilla, 'tongue', palate, pharynx, gill and pharyngeal pads of both juveniles and youngs. The species has four morphologically different types of taste buds. Three of them were similar to those of the other teleosts studied and the unique type (type IV) with slight or no elevation was distributed in rows on the top of epithelial folds or ridges. More than two types of taste buds could be found in the same area of oropharyngeal cavity. The distribution of taste buds was denser on the hyperpharyngeal pads and hypopharyngeal pads, maxilla and mandibular margin of both stages. Corresponding regions of oropharyngeal cavity have significantly higher density in juveniles than in youngs but the total numbers of taste buds increased when growing to the young stage. Type IV taste buds was gradually developing from juveniles to youngs. It is likely that their ontogenetic developments were associated with different habitats and feeding habits. In addition to strong dentes on jaws and pharyngeal pads and the sparse short gill rakers, the highly dense taste buds on the dental areas reveals the carnivorous characteristics of both juvenile and young Japanese croaker. |