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題 名 | 影響臺北縣在家教育學童過去接受復健相關治療與目前接受在校物理治療之因素=Factors Affecting the Participation of Homebound Handicapped Students in Physical Therapy and Related Servies |
作 者 | 蕭淑芳; 廖華芳; | 書刊名 | 中華民國物理治療學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 23:1 1998.01[民87.01] |
頁 次 | 頁33-41 |
分類號 | 418.996 |
關鍵詞 | 在家教育; 復健治療; 在校物理治療; Homebound students; Rehabilitation treatment; Physical therapy; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 目的:了解在家教育學童接受復健治療與在校物理治療的情況及其影響因素,以 作為規劃醫療與教育人力整合需求之參考。 方法: 於民國 84 年 7 月至 9 月間對臺北縣 201 名在家教育學童家長發出問卷,以了解學童過去接受醫療、復健治療的情況以及他們對 復健醫療的需求。 並於同年 8 月至 9 月間分階段於臺北縣 5 區實施醫療鑑定與功能普查 ,之後再根據家長需求與治療潛能提供在校物理治療服務。結果:問卷調查結果共回收 141 份有效資料,回收率為 70%。這些學童中曾接受復健相關治療者佔 63%,曾接受過物理治療 者佔 28%,曾否接受復健相關治療與家中經濟狀況、父母親教育程度有顯著相關,家中經濟狀 況越好者或父母親教育程度越高者,較多比率曾接受復健相關治療。在家教育學童之家長對 復健醫療的需求依序為居家治療( 67% ),相關資訊提供( 47% ),輔具經費補助( 45% ),聯合會診( 38% )與到校治療( 16% )。 問卷調查時有接受物理治療者僅 7%,而由 教育單位提供在校物理治療的動機、治療師之建議最有相關,與父母親教育程度、家中經濟 情況、對學童未來獨立性的期望及學童目前的能力都無顯著相關。結論:臺北縣在家教育學童 接受復健治療比率偏低,提供在校物理治療可使接受治療的比率提高,且不因學童社經狀況 而不同;由問卷可事先了解家長對學童接受到校物理治療的動機,並藉此預估治療師的人力 需求,俾使此類醫療與教育結合之計劃能有更完善之前置規劃。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study were : (1) to investigate the status of medical and rehabilitation care of homebound students; and (2) to evaluate the factors affecting the type of a school physical therapy program for these children. We sent questionnaires to the main caregivers of 201 handicapped and homebound students in Taipei County. One hundred and forty-one (70%) were returned. Eighty-six students (63%) had received rehabilitation-related therapy and 37 (28%) students had received physical therapy before this survey. Factors influencing whether students received rehabilitation-related treatment were family income and parents' educational level, both were correlated positively. Caregivers' expectations from rehabilitation team were service given at home (67%), availability of medical information (47%), financial assistance for devices related to therapy (45%), assessment by the rehabilitation team (38%), and school-based rehabilitation(16%). During the 3-month investigation period, only 7% of students received physical therapy. After the questionnaire survey, all students received examination by a group of physicians and physical therapists from July to September 1995. Some of the students also received physical therapy service at a nearby school for 7 months, according to their treatment potential and motivation of parents after the examination. By providing school physical therapy program, the treatment rate soared form 7% to 52%. The type of school physical therapy service (continuous, intermittent, or none) was strongly related to the motivation of the students' parents and the treatment suggested by physical therapists, but not the socioeconomic status of the family. Our study revealed: (1) the percentage of homebound students in Taipei County receiving rehabilitation related treatment before was low, (2) providing school physical therapy service increased the treatment rate of handicapped students and then promote their function, and (3) with the information gathered from this survey the program planner could foresee the rehabilitation demand and recruit enough manpower for rehabilitation services at the school. |