- The Influence of Rehabilitation Therapy on the Prognosis for Stroke Patients--A Preliminary Study
- Factors Influencing Functional Independence Outcome in Stroke Patients after Rehabilitation
- 影響腦中風患者使用長期照護機構的因素
- 影響腦中風患者復健治療住院天數長短的因素
- 缺血性腦中風針灸治療之隨機試驗
- 腦中風患者復健治療預後之探討
- 腦中風患者復健治療時程與出院及長期功能結果之關聯性
- 缺血性腦中風病人住院期間所接受的復健治療量與殘障和死亡風險之關係
- 心理練習在中風復健的應用
- 運用巴氏量表於出血性腦中風患者復健治療三個月成效追蹤
題 名 | The Influence of Rehabilitation Therapy on the Prognosis for Stroke Patients--A Preliminary Study=腦中風患者復健治療預後之初步研究 |
作 者 | 林昭宏; 蔚順華; 劉景寬; 黃茂雄; 林永哲; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 15:5 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁280-291 |
分類號 | 415.922 |
關鍵詞 | 腦中風; 復健治療; Stroke; Prognosis; Rehabilitation therapy; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的以前瞻性方式初步探討住院復健科接受復健治療的腦中風患者社會人口學因素及住院期間臨床表現對於預後結果之相關性影響。本研究以高雄醫學院附設中和醫院民國八十六年一月至十二月期間因腦中風住院,並且曾住在復健病房接受復健治療十天以上之患者147位為對象。收集中風患者社會人口學及住院期間臨床評估資料做為相關影響變項。出院時日常生活功能獨立自主量表(共分自我照顧、排便、移位、走動、溝通、社會認知等六大項,總分為126分)和住院期間量表進步量做為接受復健治療預後結果的兩項指標。結果顯示影響出院時日常生活功能獨立自主量表得分的重要因素包括年齡、二次以上中風病史、住院期間多項併發症、感覺、定向能力異常及伴隨失智症等;而感覺異常和多次中風病史患者是影響住院期間功能獨立量表進步量的重要因素。本研究獲得以下結論:1) 年齡是影響復健治療結果的重要因素;但並非影響進步量的重要因素;2) 接受復健治療時間的延後並不一定會影響復健治療預後獲得進步量的潛能;3) 住院初期功能性量表得分較少的患者,預後結果雖然較差,但並未影響進步量的獲得;4) 住院期間發生併發症會影響預後結果;5) 神經心理徵狀異常的患者不應該被排除接受復健治療。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate the influence of rehabilitation therapy on the prognosis for stroke patients. Sociodemographic and clinical factors were collected in a sample of 147 stroke patients (81 men and 66 women) admitted to the inpatient rehabilitation department at our university hospital over 10 days between January 1, 1997 and December 31, 1997. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores at discharge and gains during rehabilitation period were used as the prognosis index. Statistical techniques with unvaried and multiple regression analyses indicated that significant predictors of discharge FIM scores include age, previous attacks twice or over, medical comorbidities, sensory and orientation impairments, and dementia. In addition, previous stroke attacks twice or over and sensory impairment were significant predictors of FIM gains during rehabilitation period. We concluded that: 1) age is a critical factor to determine the rehabilitation outcome, but may not be an important factor to predict the ability for the improvement through rehabilitation therapy; 2) the delay of rehabilitation therapy may not affect the potential for further improvement; 3) patients with low initial functional level may have poor final outcome, they may still have good rehabilitation potential to improve the functional level; 4) complications of stroke may affect the rehabilitation outcome and should be prevented; and 5) patients with impaired mental status should not routinely be excluded from rehabilitation programs. |