- 黑潮對綠島早期涉外關係的影響
- Distribution of Coccolithophorids and Coccoliths in Surface Ocean off Northeastern Taiwan
- 「黑潮與東海陸棚交換過程研究(KEEP-Ⅲ)」總結報告
- 黑潮與東海陸棚交換過程
- Distribution of Summer Diatom Assemblages in and Around a Local Upwelling in the East China Sea Northeast of Taiwan
- Daily Growth and Length Distribution of Larval Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis Japonica) in the Neritic Waters Off Northeastern Taiwan
- Light Effects on Phytoplankton Photosynthetic Performance in the Southern East China Sea North of Taiwan
- Seasonal and Hydrographic Variations of Ichthyoplankton Density and Composition in the Kuroshio Edge Exchange Area off Northeastern Taiwan
- 黑潮與東海:從個體到整合、從本土到國際
- Lead-210 and Polonium-210 Across the Frontal Region Between the Kuroshio and the East China Sea, Northeast of Taiwan