- 黑潮與東海陸棚交換過程
- Bifurcation Current Found along the Coast of the Kii Peninsula and Position of the Kuroshio Axis
- Does Small-Scale Meander Travel Eastwards and Trigger Large-Scale Meander of the Kuroshio﹖
- 陸棚對臺灣東北方黑潮形成水環之影響
- 臺東蘭嶼間醱酵廢液海拋即時監測之研究
- 黑潮對綠島早期涉外關係的影響
- Distribution of Coccolithophorids and Coccoliths in Surface Ocean off Northeastern Taiwan
- 南北源流交匯處:沖繩與那國島人群起源神話傳說的比較研究
- 對黑潮入侵南海過程的一些觀察與看法
- Comparison on Nutritional Condition and Recent Growth of Japanese Anchovy Larvae in Different Waters off Northeastern Taiwan