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- Power and Agenda: Jiang Zemin's New Political Initiatives at the CCP's Fifteenth Congress
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題 名 | Power and Agenda: Jiang Zemin's New Political Initiatives at the CCP's Fifteenth Congress |
作 者 | Yongnian,Zheng; | 書刊名 | Issues & Studies |
卷 期 | 33:11 1997.11[民86.11] |
頁 次 | 頁35-57 |
分類號 | 576.25 |
關鍵詞 | 江澤民; 中共; 政權; Jiang zemin; The CCP's fifteenth congress; Ideolgical campaign; Personnel reshuffling; Political reform; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | The Fifteenth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party was the last congress held in this century and the first without strongmen. With the passing of the old revolutionaries, the Jiang Zemin-centered third-generation leadership has been challenged by China's dramatic socioeconomic changes. It not only must promote further economic growth, but also cope with numerous undesirable sociopolitical consequences. Thus, Jiang took initiatives in the following three aspects: First, he initiated an ideological campaign by calling for a third liberation of thought and using all possible means to promote the country's economic development. Second, he consolidated his "fortress" by reshuffing party personnel. Third, he attempted to reconcile demands for political reform and political stability by proposing to develop democracy within the party, institute the rule of law, and consolidate grass-roots democracy. However, whether Jiang will be capable of realizing his new agenda will depend on the test of time. |