- 江澤民時期中共軍事外交戰略之研析
- Party Apparatus in the Military in the PRC after Mao, 1976-1990
- 中共第四任國家主席楊尚昆
- 對中共加強學習鄧小平理論之研析
- 中共國家公務員制度建構之研究--簡析「國家公務員暫行條例」
- Human Rights Trends and Coercive Family Planning in the PRC
- The U.S. Promotion of Human Rights and China's Response
- Democratic Transition: A Comparative Study of China and the Former Soviet Union
- Toward "The Modern Corporation": Recent Developments in the Institutional Reform of State-Owned Enterprises in Mainland China
- A Political Analysis of Taiwan's Economic Dependence on Mainland China