題 名 | 生長抑制劑及肥料處理對瓜葉菊盆花品質之影響=Effects of Three Plant Growth Retardants and Fertilization on Quality of Potted Cineraria |
作 者 | 呂美麗; 孫憲虹; 張進益; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究報告 |
卷 期 | 28 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁17-22 |
分類號 | 435.435 |
關鍵詞 | 瓜葉菊; 生長抑制劑; 肥料; Cineraria; Growth retardant; Fertilization; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗主要在探討Daminozide(B-9)、Paclobutrazol(PP333)、Chlormequat(CCC)三種生長抑制劑及肥料施用量對瓜葉菊盆花品質之影響。瓜葉菊光輝品種噴施不同濃度之生長抑制劑結果,可抑制株高及促進株型緊密的效果,但當施用濃度過高B-9 4000ppm或PP333 10ppm時,會造成花序著生太緊密、開花不良。早開紅品種瓜葉菊在株高11公分時處理PP333 1ppm一次,盆栽株型完整,花朵數與對照組無顯著差異。瓜葉菊以N:P□O□:K□O=20:20:20肥料,依氮肥濃度分別稀釋為氮肥50、100、150、200ppm,並以高低氮肥濃度每週交錯施用100-50ppm,150-50ppm等計6處理。試用結果,低肥料濃度有抑制營養生長及株高的效果;高肥料濃度,會導致營養生長太旺盛,而影響盆栽品質,根據開花情形以每週澆灌氮肥100-150ppm一次,盆栽品質較佳。 |
英文摘要 | Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of plant growth retardants Diminozide (B-9), Paclobutrazol (PP333) and Chlormoquate (CCC), and fertilizations on quality of potted cineraria. Potted cineraria cultivar Kwanghuei was sprayed with Diminozide diluted to 4000, 2000, 1000 ppm, Paclobutrazol diluted to 10, 5, 1 ppm and Chlormoquate diluted to 4000, 2000. 1000 ppm. All PGR treatments were found to be effective to height control and to reduce number of flowers. Stronger inhibition of vegetative growth was observed when a higher concentration of PGR was applied. The best quality was noted when the cineraria cultivar Tsao Kai Hung was treated with PP333 I ppm at plant height of 11 cm. Significant difference in plant height and width and number of flowers among the fertilizer treatments were also noted. Cineraria cultivar Kwanghuei was fertilized with N:P□O□:K□O=20:20:20 which diluted at 50, 100, 150 and 200 ppm weekly and 100-50 ppm, 150-50 ppm once for every week. Low concentration fertilizer treatments reduced plant height and number of flowers whereas high concentration treatment improved plant height. The optimum application method was to apply nitrogen fertilizer at rate of 100-150 ppm once a week. |