題 名 | 磷肥及溶磷細菌對茶樹磷素吸收與茶葉品質之研究=Studies on Soil Inoculation with P-Solubilizing Bacteria and P Fertilizer on P-uptake and Quality of Tea |
作 者 | 張鳳屏; 楊秋忠; | 書刊名 | 土壤與環境 |
卷 期 | 2:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁35-44 |
分類號 | 434.231 |
關鍵詞 | 溶磷細菌; 有機質肥料; 茶葉品質; P-solubilizing bacteria; Organic fertilizer; Tea quality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為探究施用溶磷細菌與不同磷肥用量下,對茶菁產量、茶葉磷含量與所製包種茶品質之影響,以土壤盆栽試驗,種植台茶12號三年生,經三年試驗結果,無施磷肥區有無施用溶磷細菌對茶菁產量無明顯差別,茶菁產量低且茶葉磷含量亦低,所、製包種茶品質亦較差。磷肥用量P�烙�� 6克/株,再配合施用溶磷細菌處理對茶葉磷含量比無施用溶磷細菌處理較高,過量磷肥 P�烙�� 24克/株則有無施用溶磷細菌對茶葉磷含量並無增加。 本研究在楊梅與鹿谷試區田間試驗成木茶園化肥氮用量400公斤╱公頃,有無施用溶磷細菌或有機質肥料對茶菁產量無明顯差異。若氮肥降低至氮270公斤╱公頃,再配合春肥施用有機質肥料與溶磷細菌之使用,比單使用化肥氮400公斤╱公頃茶菁產量較高,對磷吸收亦有幫助,所製包種茶品質亦佳。 |
英文摘要 | Effects of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) being inoculated accompanying with different amounts of phosphorus fertilizer's application on the yield of fresh tea leaves, phosphorus content and quality of made paochung tea were investigated. In the experiment conducted at 3-year old potting tea trees of var. TTES No. 12, the 3-year result indicated that treatments without p-fertilizer didn't cause any different responses on yields of fresh tea leaves whether PSB being inoculated or not, both treatments caused inferior to yield of fresh tea leaves, phosphorus content and quality of made tea. The treatment with 6g P �� O �� / plant applied and PSB inoculated caused higher phosphorus content in made tea than that without PSB inoculated. However, the treatment with 24g P �� O �� / plant applied didn't cause any phosphorus content promotion effects whether PSB being inoculated or not. In the experiment conducted at tea gardens located in Yangmei and Luku area, while the chemical nitrogen fertilizer applied at the level of 400 kg / ha, no obvious difference had been found on yields of fresh tea leaves between treatments whether PSB inoculated or organic fertilizer applied or not. But while the nitrogen fertilizer applied at the level of 270 kg/ha, accompanying with organic fertilizer applied in spring and PSB being inoculated, yield of fresh tea leaves became higher than that of 400kg nitrogen/ha applied alone, the phosphorus absorption and the quality of made tea had also been found promoted. |