- Authentication of Chinese Medicinal Materials by DNA Technology
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題 名 | Authentication of Chinese Medicinal Materials by DNA Technology=運用基因技術鑑定中藥材 |
作 者 | 邵鵬柱; 顏輝娥; 畢培曦; 王駿; | 書刊名 | 藥物食品分析 |
卷 期 | 5:4 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁273-283 |
專 輯 | 中藥專輯 |
分類號 | 414.32 |
關鍵詞 | 鑑別; 中草藥; DNA序列; 指紋圖; 聚合酶鏈式反應; Authentication; Chinese medicinal materials; DNA sequence; Fingerprint; Polymerase chain reaction; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 中藥在亞洲地區久經廣泛使用。近年來西方人仕亦日漸了解接受中醫中藥,以之 作為治療手段。中藥材之鑑定歷來端賴於形態、顏色及其氣味之檢測;隨著生藥學的發展, 藥材之組織結構和化學成份也間或被採用為鑑定之憑據。90年代初以降,使用DNA聚合 鏈 式反應、限制性內切 長度多態性和DNA順序分析法等基因技術,科學家們已成功鑑定了 若干中藥材。本綜述逐一介紹有關之技術及評論其在中藥材鑑定和鑑別中之應用。 |
英文摘要 | Chinese medicinal materials are widely used in the Orient and have found increased popularity in the West as an alternative source of health care. Traditionally, authentication of these materials relies on organoleptic methods. Progress in pharmacognosy has capitalized on the anatomical and chemical profiles a markers for authentication. The advancement of techniques in molecular biology has provided new means for examining genotypic characteristics. Since 1990, several research groups have employed polymerase chain reaction based methods, restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing to authenticate medicinal materials and to define the phylogenetic relationship of related species. This review provides an account of these methods and assesses their value. . |