- 甘蔗品種(系)抗旱能水及水分反應鑑定法之研究
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題 名 | 甘蔗品種(系)抗旱能水及水分反應鑑定法之研究=Studies on Sugarcane Drought Resistance and Determination of Varietal Responses to Soil Moisture |
作 者 | 許義祥; 康樂; 趙丁山; | 書刊名 | 臺灣糖業研究所研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 157 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁67-85 |
分類號 | 434.715 |
關鍵詞 | 甘蔗; 耐旱力; 抗旱力; 滲透壓; 水分消耗型態; 根系分佈型態; 抗旱力分級; Sugarcane; Drought tolerance; Drought resistance; Osmotic potential; Water-depletion pattern; Root-distribution pattern; Varietal evaluation; Rating system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以ROC1、ROC7、ROC9及ROC10四品種進行甘蔗品種水分反應特性鑑定法可 行性評估,證實以甘蔗生理耐旱力(PEG鑑定法)、根系耗水型態(水子水分測定法)及根系分 佈型態(田間直接調查法)三項特性可充分判斷該品種之水分反應特性;進一步利用此三項特 性建立甘蔗品種抗旱力分級制度,將生理耐旱力依其對缺水之忍受能力分成五級,根系耗水 型態依照其耗水深度及0-30公分表土層耗水速率分成九級,根系分佈型態則依照根系穿透 深度及0-30公分表土層根群密度分成九級,再把各品種以三特性級數之和視為該品種之抗 旱指數,指數越大則該品種抗旱能力越強,反之則屬抗旱力弱者。依此分級方法得到ROC1、 ROC7、ROC9及ROC10四品種之抗旱指數分別為19、11、19及7,與該四品種田間灌溉 試驗結果所得水分反應趨勢一致,顯示此抗旱力分級制度可行性甚高。經以ROC1、ROC7、 ROC9及ROC10四品種做對照,採用本水分反應鑑定法配合品種抗旱力分級制度,進行 ROC12、ROC13、ROC14、ROC15、ROC16、ROC17、ROC18、ROC19、ROC20、ROC21、 ROC22、ROC23及F160等品種之水分反應特性及抗旱能力鑑定,得到抗旱指數分別為13、 11、15、16、18、11、17、17、15、12、20、20及15,結果可供現場灌溉管理及品種栽培 之參考。 |
英文摘要 | A series of experiments involving variety ROC1, ROC7, ROC9, and ROC10 revealed that the sugarcane resistance to drought could be characterized by the physiological drought-tolerance (detected by means of PEG-6000), water-depletion pattern (measured by the neutron probe moisture meter), and root-distribution pattern (investigated in the field) of sugarcane. A rating system for evaluating the extents of drought resistance in sugarcane varieties was developed. Drought tolerance was classified into five grades according to the ability of sugarcane roots to survive water deficit. Soil water depletion pattern was divided into nine grades based on the water depletion profile and rates of water depletion from 0 to 30 cm in soil depth . Root distribution pattern was also classified into nine grades based on the depth of root penetration and root density at 0-30 cm profiles. A higher drought resistance index for ROC1(19) and ROC9(19) indicated that they were more resistant to drought than ROC7(11) and ROC10(7). The method was also applied to other varieties and obtained the drought resistance index as follows: ROC12(13), ROC13(11), ROC14(15), ROC15(16), ROC16(18), ROC17(11), ROC18(17), ROC19(17), ROC20(15), ROC21(12), ROC22(20), ROC23(20), and F160(15). |