- Estimating Heritability of and Correlations among Brix, Purity, and Sugar Content in Sugarcane Using Balanced Multiple Location and Year Data偙
- Estimating Heritability of and Correlations Among Brix, Purity, and Sugar Content in Sugarcane Using Balanced Multiple Location and Year Data
- Genetic Variance of Brix, Purity, and Sugar Content at Different Maturity Stages in Sugarcane with Special Reference to the Merit of Indirect Selection for Brix
- Genetic Variances of Brix, Purity, and Sugar Content at Different Maturity Stages in Sugarcane with Special Reference to the Merit of Indirect Selection for Brix偙
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題 名 | Estimating Heritability of and Correlations among Brix, Purity, and Sugar Content in Sugarcane Using Balanced Multiple Location and Year Data偙 |
作 者 | 張翊袖; | 書刊名 | Taiwan Sugar |
卷 期 | 44:5 民86.09-10 |
頁 次 | 頁18-22 |
分類號 | 434.714 |
關鍵詞 | 錘度; 純度; 可製糖率; 遺傳率; 遺傳相關; 遺傳所得; Brix; Purity; Sugar content; Heritability; Genetic correlation; Genetic gain; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | Balanced data collected from the analysis of Brix, purity, and sugar content for six sugarcane cultivars at six locations for three consecutive crop years were used in this study. The results showed that Brix and sugar content had significant cultivar x location and cultivar x location x year interactions but not cultivar x year interaction. However, no significant cultivar x year, cultivar x location, and cultivar x location x year interactions were found in purity. The broad-sense heritability for Brix, purity, and sugar content obtained was 0.955, 0.944, and 0.963, respectively. It suggests that improvement of Brix, purity, and sugar content in breeding programs can be achieved by selection for high Brix, purity, and sucrose. The coefficients for genetic and phenotypic correlations among Brix, purity, and sugar content were in the rang of 0.84-0.97 and 0.73-0.94, respectively. The greatest correlation coefficient was found between Brix and sugar content (0.97 and 0.94), demonstrating that the Brix reading is a reliable index for sugar content. This study found that the expected genetic gain will be larger in sugar content than in Brix and purity under various selection intensities, suggesting that sugarcane variety improvement will have more genetic advance in sugar content than in Brix, and purity and breeding for high sugar content will be more effective than for increased Brix and purity. |