題 名 | 具早產徵狀孕婦之住院經驗與照護需求=Hospitalization Experience and Care Needs of Pregnant Women with Preterm Labor Symptoms |
作 者 | 莊麗蘭; 夏萍絗; 周治蕙; | 書刊名 | 護理研究 |
卷 期 | 5:6 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁511-523 |
分類號 | 419.74 |
關鍵詞 | 具早產徵狀孕婦; 住院經驗; 照護需求; Pregnant woman with preterm labor symptoms; Hospitalization experience; Care needs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究是一質性研究,目的在探討具早產徵狀孕婦於安胎最初一週期間的住院經 驗與照護需求。採深度訪談法收集資料,再將訪談錄音內容配合觀察摘要書寫成行為過程記 錄,並以內容分析法分析資料。結果發現,十位安胎孕婦之住院經驗可歸納為十種類別,即 :不確定感、害怕失去胎兒、身體不適感、矛盾感、無聊厭煩感、初期不以為意、盡力配合 醫囑、對環境缺乏安全感、缺乏隱私感、憂慮感等。而照護需求方面則歸納出九項:提供充 分及明確的訊息、服務態度良好、給予日常生活起居活動之協助、具專業及熟練的技能、適 時探視掌握病情、安排合適的病床位置、提供方便與外界聯絡的設施、提供日間臥床消遣的 設備和提供營養可口的餐點。本研究也發現:「不確定感」總是出現在其住院經驗之中;而 孕婦對依醫囑絕對臥床休息而需在床上如廁之事感到極不適應。本研究試圖以個案的觀點來 瞭解住院安胎孕婦們的經驗及其所需的護理,研究結果可作為臨床護理安胎孕婦產前照顧之 參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experience of hospitalization and care needs of pregnant women with preterm labor symptoms during the first week of their hospitalization. In-depth interviews were used to collect data and were tape-recorded and transcribed as process recordings. Content analysis revealed that the experience of hospitalization of ten pregnant women included a sense of uncertainty, fear of fetal loss, physical discomfort, ambivalence, feeling of boredom, carelessness during the early stage, compliance with physician's instructions, lack of a sense of security in their surroundings, lack of privacy and worries. The care needs of the subjects included providing adequate information, expressing a good service attitude, assisting in daily actitivies, providing professional and skillful techniques, frequently conferring with them to understand their health condition, arranging appropriate space, providing convenient means for communication outside the hospital, providing recreational facilities, and providing nutritious and delicious meals. In addition, uncertainty over the entire hospitalization experience was noted. To obey the prescription of absolute bedrest and the use of a bedpan in the bed was difficult to adjust to. Since this study was oriented toward the subjects' point of view of the hospitalization experience and the care needs of pregnant women, the research findings can be used for improving care of pregnant women with preterm labor symptoms in clinical practice. |