題 名 | 牙科放射線學非同步遠距教學之短期成效=Effectiveness of an Asynchronous Tele-education for Oral Radiology Internship Training |
作 者 | 陳思光; 陳瑞松; 藍萬烘; 謝季全; | 書刊名 | 醫學教育 |
卷 期 | 1:4 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁54-61 |
分類號 | 416.9 |
關鍵詞 | 全球資訊網; 非同步教學環境; 牙科放射線學; 課程管理系統; WWW; Asynchronous tele-education; Oral radiology; Course management system; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討利用全球資訊網建置之非同步電腦輔助教學環境下,使用管理軟體與否,對牙醫系學生牙科放射線學臨床實習學習成效之影響。全班二十四位本年度五年級牙醫系學生參與此學習成效研究,以該班級於四年級修習牙科放射線學課程之部分期末測驗作為評估工具,實習時學生分為兩組,第一組於實習中接受無管理式全球資訊網電腦輔助教學,第二組於實習中接受使用管理軟體之全球資訊網電腦輔助教學,兩組同學於實習後立刻接受測驗,以比較實習時使用管理軟體與否的全球資訊網電腦輔助教學對學得知識記憶保存之影響。 結果顯示,兩組學生於期末考之表現無大差異(t=0.24, P=0.41),無管理式全球資訊網電腦輔助教學組實習結束後同學測驗成績為期末考時之75.1%,而使用管理軟體全球資訊網電腦輔助教學組實習結束後同學測驗成績為期末考時之83.0%。此研究結果顯示依目前之實習方式,實習時之輔助學習系統有其需要,而使用管理軟體的全球資訊網電腦輔助教學有較好的輔助學習效果(t=2.35, P=0.05)。為更深入了解全球資訊網教學管理軟體建置之非同步教學環境對牙科放射線學學習成效之影響,需要長期研究之資料,並應使用更廣泛客觀之評量工具。 |
英文摘要 | The World-Wide Web (WWW) is an economical and efficient way of delivering information. It was used in Oral Radiology internship training due to the convenience and ability to deliver cross-platform media. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an asynchronous tele-education on the WWW using a course management system (Top Class, WBT Systems, Dublin, Ireland) for Oral Radiology internship training. This course management system (CMS) provides comprehensive communication functions for the students and instructors over the Internet. Twenty-four dental students took the one-semester Oral Radiology course six months before the students went through their summer session of Oral Radiology Internship training. During this internship training period, the students were divided into two equal groups. One group was assisted by training materials on the WWW, and the other group was assisted by training materials using a CMS on the WWW. We found that review of the materials in the Oral Radiology course is important for summer Oral Radiology internship training. Retention after the summer session of internship training in the Oral Radiology course was 75.1% for the first group and 83.0% for the second group. Paired t tests showed that there was no difference between these two groups on the first exam (t=0.24, P=0.41). However, asynchronous WWW based Oral radiology training using a CMS was more effective than without the use of CMS (t=2.35, P=0.05). Further long-term studies with more complete and subjective evaluation tools are needed to better understand the effectiveness of the CMS on Oral Radiology teaching. |