題 名 | 後現代社會學及其在教育上的啟示=Sociology of Postmodernism and Its Implications in Education |
作 者 | 周珮儀; | 書刊名 | 國教學報 |
卷 期 | 9 1997.09[民86.09] |
頁 次 | 頁333-351 |
分類號 | 520.1 |
關鍵詞 | 後現代社會學; 分化與解--分化; 商品化; Sociology of postmodernism; Differentiation and de-differentiation; Commodificaton; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的焦點在探索後現代社會學的內涵及其在教育上的啟示,主 要研究內容包括三個互相連結交織的主題: 1.文化變遷:現代化是文化分化的過程,而後現代化是文化「解--分化」 (de-differentiation)的過程。 2.文化類型:現代主義是「論述的」(discursive)的文化形構,而後現代主 義是「圖像的」(figural)的文化形構。 3.社會階層化:在某些社會階級和階級衝突的沒落或興起之間,探討現代和 後現代文化的生產者和接受者。 為了闡述上述研究內容中的三項主題及其在教育上的啟示,本研究分成六 項研究目的來處理: 1.說明現代主義的「論述的指意過程」和後現代理論「圖像的指意過程」 之不同。 2.說明現代主義分化和自主化的文化過程和後現代理論的解--分化的文化 過程有何不同。 3.研究現代主義與和後現代理論與各種社會階級的集體認同建構和解構的 關係。 4.檢視在都市空間的情境中,現代化和後現代化的過程如何進行。 5.考量後現代理論的政治的經濟(political economy),包括生產、消費和 商品化。 6.根據前面五項研究目的的探討結果,闡述後現代社會學對教育的啟示。 |
英文摘要 | The study focuses on sociology of postmodernism and its implications in education. It is unified by three coherent and interrelated theses. These are as follows. 1. A thesis of cultural change. This is that modernization is a process of cultural differentiation while postmodernization is a process of culture 'de-differentiation'. 2. A thesis of cultural type. This is that modernism is a 'discursive' cultural formation while postmodernism is a 'figural' cultural formation. 3. A thesis of social stratification. This is that the producers and relevant audience of modernist and postmodernist culture are found in particular declining and emergent social classes and class fractions. The purpose of the study is to 1.outline what is meant by the difference between 'discursive' (modernist) and 'figural' (postmodernist) signification; 2.trace schematically the cultural processes of modernist differentiation and autonomization, and of postmodernist de- differentiation; 3.examine how modernism / postmodernism relate to the structuring and de-structuring of collective identities of various social classes. 4.look at how the processes of modernist of modernization and postmodernization played out in the context of urban space; 5.consider the political economy of postmodernism in regard to production, consumption ,and commodificaton. 6.interpret the implications of sociology of postmodernism in education. |