題 名 | 臺灣地區製造業受雇勞動力品質指標之建立=Compiling A Labor Quality Index for Taiwan Labor Force in the Manufacturing Industry |
作 者 | 單驥; 黃同圳; 黃麗璇; | 書刊名 | 經社法制論叢 |
卷 期 | 20 1997.07[民86.07] |
頁 次 | 頁1-28 |
分類號 | 542.71 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣地區; 製造業; 受雇勞動力; 品質指標; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要目的在建立臺灣地區製造業受雇勞動力品質之指標。我們將分別就 教育、職業訓練、勞動生產力、勞動力的結構變化、勞工安全與健康、勞工工作倫理與勞資 關係、員工工作生活品質與管理模式等七個主要項目作探討。在研究方法上,我們盡量地以 政府各部會已出版的相關統計資料作為我們計算的依據。而勞動品質指標之設算包括下列五 步驟:解釋變數之選取、資料之蒐集、變數衡量單位之統一、權數之決定以及指標之計算。 最後之結果顯示,臺灣在民國79年至83年期間,製造業的勞動力品質指標呈穩定上升趨勢。 勞工接受在職訓練人數的大幅增加,勞工對目前工作之滿意度提高及勞工教育參與人數比率 之倍數增加,是造成臺灣勞動力品質指標上升的重要原因;相對地,勞工因健康因素無法工 作比率的上升及失能傷害嚴重率之惡化,是不利勞動力品質指標上升的主要原因。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this paper is to establish a labor quality index for Taiwan's labor force in the manufacturing industry. This index consists of seven major categories, namely, education, in-service training, labor productivity, change in age structure of the labor force, safety and health, labor's work ethic and industrial relations. In compiling the index, we have tried to incorporate all the ROC government's suitable statistical data. The index is then established by the following five major steps: (1) selection of the appropriate relevant statistics for each category, (2) data collection, (3) conversion of all the rele- vant statistics into index in the base years, (4) determination of appropriate weight for each category and (5) calculate the weighted sum to obtain the aggregated labor quality index. This study shows the labor quality index for Taiwan's labor force in the manufacturing industry has raised steadily over the period of 1990-1994. The major reasons for this constant improving of the labor quality index in the manufacturing industry are: more labor attended in-service training, labor had higher satisfaction on their jobs, constant improving in labor's education level. However, this study has also identified two major factors which, in fact, have adversely affected the improvement of the labor quality in Taiwan. They are more labor (in absolute numbers) unable to work due to health- related problem and higher percentage ratios of labor losting their work capability due to job injury. |