題 名 | 1990年代臺灣製造業受雇勞動力品質指標變化趨勢分析=The Trend and the Changes of Labor Quality Index for Taiwan's Manufacturing Industry: 1990-1999 |
作 者 | 單驥; 黃同圳; 黃麗璇; | 書刊名 | 管理評論 |
卷 期 | 23:1 2004.01[民93.01] |
頁 次 | 頁73-99 |
分類號 | 542.71 |
關鍵詞 | 勞動品質; 受雇勞動力; 製造業; SHH勞動品質指標; Labor quality; Employed workers; Manufacturing; SHH-LQI; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文試圖分析1990至1999年台灣製造業受雇勞動力品質指標之變化趨勢,勞動品質的趨勢分析除可做為政府與企業人力規劃與運用之參考外,亦可供作學術界衡量社會經濟發展的重要解釋變數,故有其研究上的重要參考價值。在此一指標變化趨勢的衡量上,本文透過對台灣1000家大企業及884位工會幹部大規模的調查用以設算出各重要變數之加權權數,再充分利用政府現有之相關統計作整理,從而綜合計算出台灣製造業受雇勞動力於1990至1999年此十年間的勞動品質指標(SHH-LQI)之變化趨勢。本文的計算結果顯示,上述指標由1990年的82.30上升至1999年的118.89,十年間共計上升了百分之44.5,其成長幅度十分明顯,惟自1997年之後,該指標之成長趨勢已明顯趨緩,尤其值得重視。 |
英文摘要 | This paper tries to analysis the trend and the changes of the labor quality index (LQI) for Taiwan's manufacturing industry from 1990 to 1999. This index can not only be served as a relevant reference for monitoring the progress of the sustainable development in Taiwan but also can be served as an important parameter for the relevant economic analysis. To compile this index, this study had launched two large-scale surveys for 1000 major enterprise and 844 union leaders, respectively, in order to determine the appropriate weights for each important factor. The study then fully utilized all the relevant statistics and then calculated the weighted sum for each important sub-index in order to compile the LQI (SHH-LQI) for the manufacturing sector in Taiwan. Our calculation shows that the LQI for Taiwan's manufacturing industry rose from 82.30 in 1990 to 118.89 in 1999-an impressive 44.5 percent increase over the 1990s. Whilst it is also important to note that the rate of growth has declined since 1997. |