題 名 | 誠實且立即申報污染實況之誘因機制與環境政策的效果=Incentive Mechanism for Truthful and Immediate Report of Emission and Effectiveness of Environmental Policies |
作 者 | 黃宗煌; 楊東海; | 書刊名 | 經濟論文 |
卷 期 | 25:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁163-200 |
分類號 | 567.89 |
關鍵詞 | 自動申報; 誠實申報; 立即申報; 成本有效性; 政策失靈; Self-report; Truthful report; Immediate report; Cost effective; Policy failure; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首先建立一套誘因機制,以確保 「誠實且立即」 的 自動申報行為,然後分 析廠商在此一誘因機制下的污染防治行為,並探討管制單位應如何因應廠商的行為而建立最 適的管制政策,最後則討論此一自動申報制之成本有效性。本文結果顯示: (1) 吾人可經由 調查機率、排放費、與匿報罰鍰的設定來建立一般事件之誠實申報的誘因,而運用責任罰鍰 與延宕申報罰鍰的設計誘使廠商立即申報意外事件; (2) 「誠實且立即申報」的誘因機制雖 有其固有功能,但也可能成為政策失靈的另一來源,因為在此一機制下,總量標準的加嚴、 排放費與匿報罰鍰的提高均將失去其可有效誘導廠商加強防治工作的傳統認知; (3) 舉凡管 制單位之預算狀況、廠商之責任上限與時間偏好、以及受害者的檢舉行為等因素,均將影響 政策的制訂; (4) 唯有在某些特定的條件下,滿足「誠實且立即申報」的政策方能符合成本 有效性的原則。因此,管制單位在決定是否採用此一「誠實且立即申報」機制之前,應事先 對各行為主體的反應、及相關的參數或函數進行審慎評估,以防事倍功半。 |
英文摘要 | An incentive mechanism is designed to assure a truthful report of emission and an immediate report of polluting accidents. The firm's abatement behavior, the optimal environmental policy and its cost effectiveness are analyzed under this mechanism. While the mechanism could successfully induce the firm to report its emission truthfully and its accident immediately, it may become another source of policy failure. The optimal policy characterized by such a mechanism will be cost effective only when certain conditions are met. Any incentive mechanisms of this kind, therefore, should be carefully evaluated before its implementation, even if it is superficially appealing. |