題 名 | 誠實申報,激勵行為與獎金制度=Truth-Pelling, Incentive Effect and Bouns System |
作 者 | 劉維琪; 張玉山; 曾美君; | 書刊名 | 臺大管理論叢 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1990.05[民79.05] |
頁 次 | 頁31-48 |
分類號 | 494.327 |
關鍵詞 | 企業; 報償制度; 誠實申報; 激勵行為; 獎金制度; Weitzman誘因模式; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在本文中,我們分析了目前頗受重視的Weitzman誘因模式的特性。我們發現,雖然,Weitzman誘因模式具有促使部門員工誠實地申報其獲利能力之優點。但是,以事前 ( Ex Ante ) 的觀點而言,Weitzman誘因模式僅是一個線性分享的獎金模式。 ( 員工的獎金為部門利潤的一個固定比例。 ) 因為,Weitzman模式並不能像部門利潤獲致的難尋程度‧而相對地 給予不同的獎勵。所以,無法最適地激勵員工的努力。針對Weitzman誘因模式的缺失,本文進而發展了一套更具彈性的獎金制度。一方面保留了Weitzman模式的優點一誠實申報,另一方面則改造Weitzman模式的缺點。使員工所領獎金的額度和利潤創造的難易程度相聯結,以期使員工能發揮最大的努力,以爭取更多的獎金,並為公司創造利潤。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, we analyze the much discussed incentive scheme –Weitzman model. We find that although the Weitzman model induces the workers' truth-telling behavior, it can not excite the optimal effort level from the workers. It can be shown that, ex ante, Weitzman model is a linear-sharing rule;. the workers' bonus is a fixed proportion of the divi-sion's profit. This sharing proportion does not vary with the degree of difficulties of the achievement of the division profit. To induce the opti-mal effort level, we develop a non-linear sharing rule. This non-linear sharing rule, on the one hand, preserves the true-telling property of the Weitzman model, one the other hand, corrests the drawbacks. Under the non-liner sharing rule, the sharing ratio varies with the degree of difficult-ties of the achievement of the profit. Therefore, it induces the optimal level of effort from the workers. |