- 〝行動中〞的中國當代女性書寫--印度漢學家邵葆麗的性別話語研究
- The Effect of Australian Acculturation on Blood Lipid Profiles of Chinese Women Immigrants Living in Sydney, Australia
- 「老三屆」女性的青春期
- 當代社會的中國女性
- 日本的《中國女性史研究》
- 評介Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays on the Sources for Chinese Women's History [劉詠驄(Ho, Clara Wing-chung)主編. (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press,2012)]
- 命名的困境與闡釋的焦慮--女性主義文論觀照下的中國女性文學寫作界定研究
- 評介Norman Smith, 《反抗的滿洲國:中國女性作家與日本的佔領》
- 評介When "I" was Born: Women's Autobiography in Modern China [王箐(Jing Wang)著] (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 2008)
- Sisterhood in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature