題 名 | Teachers' Perspectives for Developing Programming for the Gifted Handicapped=教師對於發展資優殘障教育方案的看法 |
作 者 | 吳昆壽; |
書刊名 | 特殊教育與復健學報 |
卷 期 | 5 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁61-95 |
分類號 | 529.5 |
關鍵詞 | 教師; 資優教育; 殘障教育; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在於瞭解教師對於資優殘障者的態度,和教師對於資優殘障教育的瞭解程度。 本研究的問卷由研究者自行研發。問卷包括三部份: (一)教師對於資優殘障者的態度 (二)教師對於資優殘障者的鑑定與安置的看法 (三)個人基本資料 817個樣本乃隨機抽自目前服務於資優班、身心障礙班和普通班的在職老師,以及目前就讀於師範學院的職前老師。 本研究使用社會科學統計套裝程式(SPSS),來描述、簡化資料,並用來考驗假設。假設考驗包括T考驗、單因子變異數分析、多因子變異數分析、相關、和多元迴歸。 資料分析的結果顯示: 一、大多數的填答者對於資優殘障者的態度是正向的,他們視資優殘障者為有價值的、可信賴的、溫和的、友善的、以及不危險的。 二、關於資優殘障者的鑑定,填答者關心的是不同專業領域的合作;勿促診斷和不當測驗的危害;以及應給予兒童機會以證明其潛能。 三、關於資優殘障者的安置,填答者關心的是資優殘障者的合理的、健康的自我觀念和自尊;教師和重要他人對於兒童能力的自信;在職和職前教師訓練;以及同儕支持力量的重要。 四、在職老師對於資優殘障者的態度顯著的優於職前老師;教身心障礙班的老師,對於資優殘障者的態度顯著優於普通班或資優班的老師;修過殘障教育課程的老師,對於資優殘障者的態度顯著的優於修過資優教育課程或都沒修過的老師。性別、與殘障者經驗、教育主修、和教育水準在態度上無差別。 五、女性對於資優殘障者教育的認知優於男性;有與殘障者相處經驗的老師,對於資優殘障者教育的認知優於無此經驗者;修過殘障和資優教育兩種課程的老師,對於資優殘障者教育的認知,顯著的優於都沒修過的老師。在職和職前老師、教育主修、教學班級種類、和教育水準在對於資優殘障者教育的認知上無差別。 六、態度和教育的認知,以及態度和教學年資之間有顯著的相關。 七、用來說明“態度”最好的變項是:對教育的認知、教學班級種類、修習特教課程、教學年資、和性別。 八、用來說明“對教育的認知”最好的變項是:態度、性別、與殘障者相處經驗、和修習特教課程。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were (1) to identify teachers' attitudes toward and knowledge of the gifted handicapped, and (2) to determine the relationships between teachers' attitudes toward and knowledge of the gifted handicapped and selected demographic characteristics. An instrument was developed by the researcher. The instrument included three parts: Part A-Teachers' attitudes toward the gifted handicapped. Parts B-Teachers' perceptions toward identification and placement of the gifted handicapped, and Part C-Demographic information. The 817 subjects were randomly sampled from the population of inservice teachers who served at gifted/talented, handicapped, and regular classes, and preservice teachers who were seniors at teachers colleges in Taiwan, Republic of China. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed to describe, summarize, and simplify the data, and to test all of the hypotheses of this study. To test the hypotheses, T-tests, one-way ANOVAs, MANOVAs, intercorrelations, and multiple regressions were included in the data analysis. From the analysis of data, the following results were found: (1) Most of the responses toward the gifted handicapped were positive. The respondents regarded the gifted handicapped as valuable, reliable, kind, friendly, and not dangerous. (2) In response to identifying the gifted handicapped, the subjects were most concerned about multidisciplinary diagnoses, the risk of hasty diagnoses or inappropriate tests, and continual opportunities in order to demonstrate the child's potential. (3) In response to placing the gifted handicapped, the subjects were most concerned about the gifted handicapped child having a realistic, healthy self-concept and self-esteem, teachers and the significant others confidence regarding the child's abilities, pre-and in-service teachers training, and peer support groups. (4) There were significant differences in the mean scores of teachers' attitudes in terms of teacher status, class taught, and courses taken, but no significant differences in terms of gender, experiences with the gifted handicapped, education major, and level of education. (5) There were significant differences in the mean scores of teachers' knowledge in terms of gender, experience with the gifted handicapped, and courses taken, but no significant differences in terms of teacher status, education major, class taught, and level of education. (6) The relationships between attitudes and knowledge, attitudes and teaching years were significant. (7) The best way to account for the amount of variance of attitudes were the variables of knowledge, class taught, courses taken, teaching years, and gender. (8) The best way to account for the amount of variance of knowledge were the variables of attitudes, gender, experience with the gifted handicapped, and courses taken. |