題 名 | 鐵路立體化評估準則與方案選擇之研究--灰色關聯分析法之應用=Evaluation Criteria and Alternatives Choice of the Grade-Separated Railroad-Applications of Gray Relation Method |
作 者 | 張有恆; 陳俊魁; | 書刊名 | 運輸計劃 |
卷 期 | 26:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁353-378 |
分類號 | 557.2 |
關鍵詞 | 灰關聯分析; 模糊理論; 鐵路立體化; 評估準則; Gray relation method; Fuzzy theory; Grade-separated railroad; Evaluation criteria; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來由於都市地區平面鐵路對都市發展造成不少負面影響,因此各地方政府紛紛 提出鐵路立體化的改善方案。本研究乃應用能擷取具代表性準則的灰關聯分析方法,以建立出 都市地區鐵路立體化的評估準則,並據此依「運輸」、「社會」、「經濟」、「技術」等四個 層面進行評估。此外,本研究亦利用能同時考慮多項具衝突性的評估準則及因應不確定性環境 的模糊多準則決策方法(FMCDM),以從事都市鐵路立體化方案之評估研究,使決策的過 程更具週延性,同時能符合實際的需要。 本研究係針對國內都市進行實證研究,所得結果如下: 1.透過專家問卷所求得之權重值及實證研究之綜合評判結果發現,都市地區鐵路立體化較重 要的貢獻乃在於社會層面,而其次則為運輸層面。易言之,都市地區鐵路立體化之課題雖肇因 於解決運輸問題,但其最終之意義卻涵蓋了都市的更新與發展之貢獻。 2.由實證結果顯示,就整體而言,鐵路立體化將較有助於解決都市交通惡化及土地使用等問 題。 本研究所歸納出都市鐵路立體化的評估程序與架構,可協助決策者能在複雜及不確定的模糊環 境下進行決策,以提升決策品質,並可供未來決策當局進行鐵路立體化評估之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The research makes use of the Gray Relation Method to construct evaluation criteria of the grade-separated railroad in the urban area and analyzes those criteria in four aspects: transportation, society, economics and technology. Besides, it applies the Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) theory, considering several conflicting evaluation criteria simultaneously and dealing with uncertain conditions, to evaluate the possibility of the grade-separated railroad. The theory makes decision process more reasonable and practical. There are several conclusions drawn from the empirical analysis of Tainan city and Pen-Tung county in this study. 1.Through a questionnaire survey, the implementation of grade-separated railroad in a city contributes mainly to the society aspect and secondly to transportation. In other words, though the issue of grade-separated railroad is raised originally for the traffic problem, it ultimately avails the renovation of the city. 2.As a whole, grade-separated railroad will improve the worsening traffic and land use problems in the urban area. It is hoped that the study will not only help the policy-making agency make decision under uncertain condition by applying the fuzzy theory but also provide the agency a reference to the evaluation of the grade-separated railroad. |