題 名 | 不同基因型、栽培密度及收穫期對落花生莢果成熟度的影響=Effects of Genotype, Population Density and Harvest Date on Pod Maturity of Peanut |
作 者 | 呂坤泉; 葉茂生; 楊金興; 盧煌勝; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 46:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁132-141 |
分類號 | 434.255 |
關鍵詞 | 落花生; 基因型; 收穫期; 成熟度; Peanut(arachis hypogaea L.); Genotype; Harvest date; Maturation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗採用四個落花生基因型,包括Spanish type的臺南11號及臺農6號與 Virginia type 的立枝仔及 VB313 為材料, 分別於 1995 年春作及秋作種植於臺灣省農業 試驗所之試驗農場,栽培密度分成株距 10 公分及 30 公分二種,於莢果生育期間分六次取 樣調查,以探討不同收穫期對落花生莢果成熟度之影響,期瞭解臺灣目前落花生主要栽培品 種之最適收穫期,以提供落花生栽培及育種改進之參考。試驗結果,四個基因型均以愈接近 地面之分枝所結莢果愈多, 尤以第一、二分枝莢數最多, 上位分枝結莢之機率以立枝仔及 VB313 較高,所結莢果上位分枝不一定較下位分枝晚熟。單株莢果及籽粒數,以株距 30 公 分之栽培情況下較多於 10 公分者。四個基因型落花生,不管春秋作,六次收穫期中,成熟 莢數 (合格莢 ) 均不易達 70 %以上。依成熟莢果百分比觀之,臺南 11 號及臺農 6 號春 作最適收穫期約為始花後 108-115 天,秋作為 90-97 天; 立枝仔及 VB313 春作最適收穫 期為始花後 115 天,秋作為 97 天。 |
英文摘要 | To study the effects of harvest date on pod maturity of peanut, two Spanish type(TN 11 and TNG 6) and two Virginia type(Li-chu-tzae and VB313)peanut genotypes were grown with two space-in-rows in the field of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in the spring and fall crop seasons of 1995. The first and second branches of peanuts set more pods than any of other branches. More pods set at the upper branches of Virginia type than those of Spanish type. Due to growth habits, some upper pods might have earlier maturity than that of lower pods. Peanuts grown in 30 cm of space-in-row had more pods per plant than those in 10 cm of space-in-row. The ratio of maturing pods were usually less than 70% in these four genotypes grown in both spring and fall crop seasons. For the Spanish type peanuts, 108-115 days after first blooming stage in spring or 90-97 days after first blooming stage in fall is the most appropriate harvest date. As for the Virginia type peanuts, the most appropriate harvest date is about 115 days and 97 days after first blooming stage in spring and fall, respectively. |