題 名 | 牡梅花鹿糞便中睪固酮含量一年及一日內之變化=The Annual and Diurnal Changes in Fecal Testosterone Levels in Sika Stags |
作 者 | 陳俊吉; 林武霆; 楊錫坤; | 書刊名 | 中國畜牧學會會誌 |
卷 期 | 26:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁177-186 |
分類號 | 437.6 |
關鍵詞 | 鹿; 梅花鹿; 糞便睪固酮; 睪固酮; 季節性; Deer; Sika deer; Fecal testosterone; Testosterone; Seasonality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的乃在探討,牡梅花鹿糞便中睪固酮含量在一年及一日內是否具有變 化。 臺灣梅花鹿 7 頭,其中 4 頭 (A 組 ) 接受自然光組,另 3 頭 (B 組 ) 則暴露於 2 個月短光照期與 4 個月長光照期交替進行之光照條件下。所有鹿隻每隔 2 週收集糞便一次 。在 9 月,所有鹿隻被連續收集 (每隔 1 ∼ 2 小時收集一次 ) 糞便樣品一日。在 12 月 另有 5 頭 (C 組 ) 暴露於自然光照期之牡鹿,亦被連續採集糞便樣品一日。糞便樣品則先 以氯仿及氫氣化鈉溶液分離,經乙醚萃取後,再以放射性免疫鑑定法測定其睪固酮含量。結 果顯示,A 組牡鹿之糞便中睪固酮含量,在一年內具有明顯變化;於 10 日底達到高峰,而 在 7 月達到最低含量。在 B 組牡鹿,糞便中睪固酮含量之變化,在一年內有二週期;睪固 酮濃度分別在 11 月與 6 月,各達到一次高峰。 所有個別牡鹿之糞便中睪固酮含量,在一 日內均十分穩定,未見有何顯著變化。牡鹿因應光照之糞便中睪固酮平均含量之變化,與血 清中平均含量之變化一致。因此,監視糞便之睪固酮,可被作為探知牡梅花鹿雄性素分泌活 動之非侵害性方法。 |
英文摘要 | This study was conducted to evaluate the annual and diurnal changes in fecal testosterone levels in sika stags. Fecal samples were collected biweekly from seven stags. Four of them (Group A) were exposed to natural photoperiod, and three (Group B) were subjected to the regimen of 2 months of short days alternating with 4 months of long days. In September, fecal samples were continuously collected for 24 hr from all stags described above. In December, fecal samples from another 5 stags (Group C) exposed to natural photoperiod were also continuously collected for 24 hr. Fecal samples were extracted with ether following separation with chloroform and sodium hydroxide solution. Testosterone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Results showed that the fecal testosterone levels in Group A changed annually, with peak occurring in late October, and nadir in July. The fecal testosterone levels in Group B cycled twice a year, with peaks occurring in November and June, respectively. The fecal testosterone levels were kept very constantly during a 24-hour-period in all stags. The variatinos in fecal testosterone levels in response to photoperiod were consistent with those in serum. Therefore, monitoring fecal testosterone is a useful noninvasive technique for tracking androgenic status in sika stags. |