題 名 | 牡臺灣梅花鹿血液中睪固酮含量之季節性變化 |
作 者 | 楊錫坤; 馬春祥; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學農學院研究報告 |
卷 期 | 35:1 1995.03[民84.03] |
頁 次 | 頁32-44 |
分類號 | 437.6 |
關鍵詞 | 鹿; 梅花鹿; 季節性; 睪固酮; 睪丸; Deer; Sika deer; Seasonality; Testosterone; Testes; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究共分2試驗進行,以探討牡梅花鹿血液中畢固酮含量之季節性變 化。試驗一探討血清中畢固酮含量在一年內之變化。五頭3歲齡牡鹿,自1987年2 月至1988年2月,每隔2週被採集血液樣品一次。結果顯示,血清中睪固酮,在解 角時與鹿角生長早期 (6月至8月)中,含量極低 (<1.0ng/ml),但約在9月初開始上 升,約在11月初達到顛峰 (51.41±1.8ng/ml),旋即迅速下降。試驗二探討血漿中 睪固酮含量一日內起伏之季節性變異。五頭4歲齡牡鹿分別在每一季節被密集採 血24小時。結果顯示,畢丸體積、頸圍、與畢固酮之基底及平均濃度,在秋季者 皆顯著 (P<0.05)高於在其他季節者。畢田酮之脈衝頻率、平均顛峰濃度及起伏幅 度,在秋季者亦較在其他季節者為高,唯未達顯著水進(P>0.05)。本研究顯示, 牡梅花鹿睪丸之分泌畢固酮,在秋季較在其他季節活躍。 |
英文摘要 | Two trails were conducted to study the seasonal variation inblood testosterone levels in Formosan sika stags. In trial I, the annual change in serum testostei-one levels was investigated. Bloodsamples were collected from 5 stags aged 3 years once every 2weeks from February 1987 to February 1988. Serum testosteronelevels were in nadir (<1.0 ng/ml) by the time of antler cast andduring the early stage of antler growth (from June to August), butbegan to rise by early September, and peaked (51.4 ± 1.8 ng/ml)around early November, then fell sharply. In trial II, the seasonal variation in the diurnal fluctuations ofplasma testosterone levels was investigated. Blood samples from 5stags aged 4 years were collected intensively for 24 hours in eachsiason. Testicular volume, neck girth, and basal and mean levels oftestosterone in Autumn were significantly (P<0.05) higher than inother seasons. Pulse frequency, mean peak level and pulse amplitudeof testosterone were also higher in Autumn than in other seasons,though the differences were not significant (P>0.05). This studyshowed that the testes of Formosan sika stags secrete testosteronemore actively in Autumn than in other seasons. |