- Treatment Results of Malignant Lymphoma of Nasopharynx at National Taiwan University Hospital
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- 局部放射治療對腦幹部位不成熟畸胎瘤之治療效果--病例報告
題 名 | Treatment Results of Malignant Lymphoma of Nasopharynx at National Taiwan University Hospital=臺大醫院惡性鼻咽淋巴瘤之治療成果 |
作 者 | 雷德; 許維中; 鍾娜娜; 王博民; 丁禮莉; 洪瑞隆; | 書刊名 | 放射治療與腫瘤學 |
卷 期 | 4:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁85-91 |
分類號 | 415.6 |
關鍵詞 | 鼻咽; 淋巴瘤; 腫瘤; 放射治療; 五年存活率; Nasopharynx; Lymphoma; Neoplasm; Radiotherapy; Five-year survival rate; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | 目的:回顧過去十五年(1979-1993)在臺大醫院惡性鼻咽淋巴瘤之治療成果。材料 與方法:這十五年中臺大醫院共有 40 位惡性鼻咽淋巴瘤之病患。年齡分佈自 13 至 81 歲 ,男、女性病患各 20 位。第一、二期各有 18 及 22 個病例。以組織病理學而言,低、中 、高級各有 10、26 及 4 位. 7 位病患只接受傴射治療, 15 位病患只接受化學治療, 10 位病患接受放射及化學合併治療,8 位病患未接受任何治療。結果:第一、二期五年存活率 分別為 65.7% 及 27.3%。 以 Rappaport 分類法時, 結節性與瀰漫性五年存活率分別為 722.7% 及 33.5%; 以 Working formulation 分類時, 低、 中、 高級五年存活率分別為 80.0%, 39.0% 及 50.0%。 放射治療,化學治療及合併療法之五年存活率分別為 100.0%, 58.7% 及 30.0%。結論:淋巴瘤局限於鼻咽之淋巴瘤可用放射治療加以控制。以組織病理學 分類時,低級或結節性之惡性鼻咽淋巴瘤可單獨使用放射治療。而中級或瀰漫性之惡性鼻咽 淋巴瘤使用化學治療或合併療法, 對病患之存活率則有所俾益。 [ 放射治療與腫瘤學 1997;4:85-91] five-year survival rates for nasopharyngeal malignant lympoma patients with Stage I, II were 65.7% and 27.3%, respectively. When classified by the Rappaport classification, the actuarial five-year survival rates for patients of nodular type and diffuse type were 72.7% and 33.5%, respectively. The actuarial five-year survial rates for patients of low grade, intermediate grade and high grade nasopharyngeal malignant lymphoma were 80.0%, 39.0%, and 50.0%, repectively. The actuarial five-year survival rates for patients treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and combined treatment modalities were 100.0%, 58.7%, and 30.0% respectively. Conclusion: Lymphoma clinically localized to nasopharnx can be cured by radiotherapy. When classified by histopathology, patients with low grade or nodular type can be successfully treated using local radiotherapy alone. Chemotherapy used as primary treatment (with or without adjuvant radiotherapy) may be benfit for intermediate grade or diffuse type patients. [Therapeut Radiol Oncol 1997; 4:85-91] |