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題 名 | 社區、族群、家庭因素與國小學童學業成就的關係--臺東縣四所國小的比較分析=Community, Ethnicity, Family Factorso and Academic Achievement of Primary School Children: An Analysis of Four Elementary School in the Taitung Country |
作 者 | 張善楠; 洪天來; 張麟偉; 張建盛; 劉大瑋; | 書刊名 | 臺東師院學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁27-52 |
分類號 | 523.378 |
關鍵詞 | 國小學童; 族群; 社區; 學業成就; Primary school children; Community; Ethnicity; Academic achievement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要探討學校所在地的社區及學童所屬的族群與學童學業成就之間的關係 ,並探求家庭因素在其中的影響。本研究選擇台東市和長濱鄉來代表都市地區和鄉村地區。 在台東市選取新生國小代表都市的中心學校;選取豐年國小代表都市的邊陲學校。在長濱鄉 選取長濱國小代表鄉村的中心學校;選取寧埔國小代表鄉村的邊陲學校。選定之國小五、六 年級的全部學童 504 名參做為調查的對象。 從社區資源利用、社區活動參與上,顯示都市 中心地區的參與程度最高,其學童學業成就也明顯優於其餘三地。家庭中父母族別的組合也 確實會影響學童的學業成就,父母皆非原住民的學童學業成就高於父母為原住民的學童家庭 背景因素也和兒童的學業成就相閞,家長職業水準、教育程度、教育期望水準、教育態度均 與兒童的學業成就顯著正相關,但家長管教態度及家庭完整性兩家庭變項和兒童學業成就的 關係並不顯著。 |
英文摘要 | This study examined the relationships between academic achievement of school children and their ethnicity, community location, and related family factors. A total of 504 fifth and sixth graders of two urban and two rural elementary schools participated in a questionnaire survey. Statistics of frequency, correlation, t-test, and analysis of variance were employed to analyze the data. The results show children enroll in central urban school have the highest participation in community activities and the highest academic achievement, compared with children from peripheral urban, central rural, and peripheral rural schools. Academic achievement of children of non-aboriginal parents is significantly higher than that of aboriginal children. In terms of family factors, the status of parents' occupation and education are found to be positively correlated to children's achievement, as well as the expectation of and attitude toward education; parenting style and family structure are unexpectedly found not being related to children's achievement. |