- 日本在華北的販毒活動(1910-1945)
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題 名 | 日本在華北的販毒活動(1910-1945)=Japan's Involvement in Drug Trafficking in North China, 1910-1945 |
作 者 | 李思涵; | 書刊名 | 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 |
卷 期 | 27 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁45-91 |
分類號 | 628.5 |
關鍵詞 | 日本; 華北; 販毒活動; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中日戰爭(1931-1945)之前和戰爭期間日本在中國所進行的秘密、半公開甚至完全公開的販毒活動與其背後所代表的一套日本對於中國的毒化政策,在當時與戰後即為很多客觀、公正與真有洞察力的中、日與西方朝野人十所確認,並予以譴責。在1937年7月盧溝橋事變前,這些販毒活動就表現出一種與日本對華軍事恐嚇、政治滲透相密切結合的特色,當中日戰爭在無「宣戰」形式但大規模地全面展開之後,日本針對中國所進行之鴉片、嗎啡、海洛因等毒品的生產與銷售,作為一種滲透和腐化中國社會各階層的「軟式」、手段,則是一直與軍事行動中所進行的屠殺、掠奪、放火、毒氣戰、細菌戰、強抓勞工等「硬式」、手段互相配合,以達到壓服中國的抗日意識與弱化中國的目的。誠如日本江口圭一教授所云:日本以銷售毒品為國策計劃之行為,不只違反了自1912年至1931年各國所簽訂的四項海牙與日內瓦有關禁制毒品的國際公約 (日本均為簽署國 ),也違反了中國的國內法,使「中日戰爭成為污穢戰爭的象徵」。這也是戰後遠東國際軍事法庭審判日本最高級A級戰犯時所確定的定讞之一。本文所討論的。只限於日本在戰前和戰時在華北各省的販毒與製毒活動。全文計分:一、前言;二、1931年前日本在華北的販毒活動; 三、1931-1937年間日本對華北的毒化政策:四、全面戰爭早期(1937年7月/1938年12月) 日本在華北的販毒活動; 五、全面戰爭後期 (1938年12月/1945年8月) 日本在華北的販毒活動; 六、結語等六部分。本文作者認為如以1939年華北鴉片銷售額2,000萬兩為基數,該年日、偽在華北銷售鴉片的淨利即達偽聯台幣一億元 (偽聯台幣值與日幣同值,當年日幣4元含美金1元), 再加該年海洛因(嗎啡)在華北各省的10,707磅之銷售額,其淨利約為偽聯台幣$65,000,000,合計該年日本只在華北販毒的淨利即為偽聯台幣$165,000,000,占當時(1939年l2月)整個華北偽聯合券總發行額的36%強。八年合計,日本只在華北售毒所獲得的純利潤(以1939年為標準年)即達偽幣$1,320,000,000,合美金約$330,000,000 (當時美金幣值)。此款如果用以建造當時日本最新型的載重量25,675噸、可載飛機84架之翔鶴型航空母艦(每艘造價8,000萬日元),則每年即可建造2.05艘,八年期間的售毒利潤,則可建16.44艘之多。這筆債款也是中華民族應該向新日本重索戰爭償款中的一筆。本文作者認為中日戰爭雖然已經過去了五十多年,中國人的政府也曾答允放棄政府之間的「戰爭賠償」、要求,但因日本主流社會的新右派與新軍國主義者並不反悔過去的侵略罪行與暴行,中國人應向新日本重索賠償的想法,並未一日終止,而這在國際法、人權與人道的基礎上,也是非常有其依據的。 |
英文摘要 | Japan's involvement in drug trafficking in China prior to and during the Sine-Japanese War (1931-1945) has been attested in the post-war trials of the Japanese A-level war criminals by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo) in 1946-1948. The verdict reached in the trails has been (reconfirmed) many times by later publications in Japanese. Facts show that drug trafficking was part of an overall Japanese scheme to penetrate and dominate Chinese society, aimed simultaneously at making money in order to finance the war-efforts. This "lucrative business" became larger in scale after the beginning of the undeclared Sine-Japanese War in July 1937, and Japan relied heavily on these revenues to support political and intelligence expenses in the occupation of China. This essay is divided into four parts, following a general discussion of the background issue: 1.the salient features of the Japan's trafficking in opium and other dangerous drugs in North China before September 1931; 2.the expansionist Japanese policy on the narcotics question in North China in 1931-1937; 3.the Japanese policy of encouraging drug trafficking largely through Chinese puppet regimes in the occupied regions of North China in 1937-1938; 4. the further spread of various narcotic drugs in North China in 1939-1945. The author concludes that in 1939, a typical year during the wartime, the Japanese sold about 20,000,000 ounces of opium in North China. This meant a net profit of NC$100,000,000 (North China's puppet regime's currency; NC$1.00 equaled to 1.00 Japanese Yen and 4.00 Japanese Yen to US1.00 in that year). The 1939 consumption of other narcotic drugs in the same region was estimated at 10,707 pounds, representing a net profit of NC$165,000,000, an amount equivalent to US$41,250,000. This constituted about 36% of the total NC puppet money in circulation. As the budget for a 25,675-ton aircraft-carrier with a capacity for carrying 84 aircrafts required only 80,000,000 Japanese Yen at the time, the annual profit from drug trafficking by the Japanese authorities in North China could be used to construct 2.05 aircraft-carriers. Since the war lasted more than eight years, the revenues from the drug business in North China could be used to finance the construction of 16.44 aircraft-carriers. |