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題 名 | 日本陸軍の華北占領地統治計畫について=盧溝橋事變爆發前日本陸軍佔領華北計畫之擬定=A Plan-Making of the Japanese Army for the Occupation of North China before the Marco Polo Bridge Incident |
作 者 | 永井和; | 書刊名 | 中華軍史學會會刊 |
卷 期 | 3(下) 民86.12 |
頁 次 | 頁731-758 |
專 輯 | 紀念七七抗戰六十週年專號 |
分類號 | 628.5 |
關鍵詞 | 盧溝橋事變; 日本; 陸軍; 佔領華北計畫; |
語 文 | 日文(Japanese) |
中文摘要 | 我們都很清楚,日本陸軍佔領華北的軍事行動始於1937年7月。可是大家不太清楚日本陸軍在幾年前即已開始擬定一個統治華北駐屯地的軍事計畫。我準備在這篇文章中發表一份日本陸軍在1936年所擬定的機密文件,並詳細說明日本軍政府對華北的企圖。 這份題為「軍政府對華北佔領地的計畫」的軍事機密文件由天津駐屯軍(1900年初日軍即在北平和天津駐屯)所策畫,日期為1936年9月15日。一旦佔領軍與中國開戰,則必須實現這份文件所提供的政治與經濟計畫。該大件被送至陸軍省,並且登記為陸軍省的官方文件,現保存於東京的防衛廳研究所的圖書館裡。這份30頁的小冊子中,包含13章(41條)和一些圖表與表格。 我們在這份文件第一條中讀到,「這個計畫是昭和十一年(1936)的年度計畫,係根據參謀本部第二部(情報部)於1933年9月擬定的日本軍政府關於中國佔領地的草案以及天津駐屯軍為日本軍政府於1934年3月所訂定的關於華北佔領地之永久計畫。」這表示日本陸軍的計畫擬定回溯到1933年塘沽協定之後,並且從1934年起,天津駐屯軍即每年策畫佔領方案。 從塘沽停戰協定簽訂以迄1935年5月日本進兵華北(冀東)的這段期間,稱為「暫時和平」,其間中日未曾爆發主要軍事衝突。另外在這幾年間,日本陸軍已開始著手進行佔領的準備。雖然那些方案在當時是暗中進行,但是盧溝橋事變一爆發之後,即運用在戰場上並且成為日本華北方面軍的指導方針。 |
英文摘要 | As we know well, the Japanese Army started the military actions for the occupation of North China in July 1937. But it is not well known that the Japanese Army had started planing out a military program to govern the occupied territory of North China a few years before. In this report, I would like to present a secret document made by the Japanese Army in 1936 and to give a detailded explaination on the scheme of the Japanese military government to North China. The military secret document was drawn by the Tientsin Garrison (the Japanese Army stationed in Peipin and Tientsin since early 1900's), titled "A Plan for the Military Government to the Occupied Territory in North China", dated September, 15 1936. It provided the political and economic plan which the occupying force had to carry out in the event of a war with China. It was sent to the Ministry of War and registered to the official records of the War Office, now preserved in the Library of Research Institute of the Defense Agency in Tokyo. It is a pamphlet of 30 pages with 13 chapters(41 articles) and some charts and tables. In article 1 of the documents we read, "This plan represents a year's plan for Syowa 11th year(1936) according to the Draft Program for the Military Government to the Occupied Territory in China made by the General Staff's Section 2 in September 1933 and the Tinetsin Garrison's Permanent Plant for the Military Government to the Occupied Territory in North China dated March 1934." This means that the Japanese Army's plan-making went back to 1933 right after the Tangku Truce and from 1934 the Tientsin Garrison planned out the occupational scheme every year. The years between the Tangku Truce and the beginning of the Japanese Maneuver for the Separation of North China in May 1935 are called "peaceful intermission", and there was no major military crash between China and Japan. On the other hand in those years the Japanese Army started preparations for the occupational operations. Those schemes was behind the scenes in the periods but burst out to the front after the Marco Polo Bridge Incident and provided the guide line for the Japanese North China Army. |