- 「門診病患對看診醫師滿意度」測量工具建立的研究
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- Reliability and Validity of Nurses' Job Satisfaction Scale and Nurses' Professional Commitment
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題 名 | 「門診病患對看診醫師滿意度」測量工具建立的研究=Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Ambulatory Patient Satisfaction with Physician |
作 者 | 賴文恩; 張淑桂; 張文道; 王玉潯; 藍忠孚; | 書刊名 | 中華民國家庭醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 7:1 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁33-42 |
分類號 | 419.2 |
關鍵詞 | 門診病患; 看診醫師; 滿意度; 測量工具; Patient satisfaction; Quality of health care; Physician-patient communication; Ambulatory care; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來,病患滿意度逐漸受到重視,無論在醫病溝通或醫療品質範疇內,相關研 究的質與量,都有顯著的提昇。在國內,有不少與病患滿意度相關的研究,但是以建立病患 滿意度測量工具為目的之研究並不多。本篇論文為建立「門診病忠對『看診醫師表現』的滿 意程度」測量工具之初步報告。首先以開放式問卷調查及文獻回顧等方式,收集一般民眾對 看診醫師表現的評價語共九十二句,經挑選整理後,編製成四十八題結構式自填問卷,再實 地測量某醫學中心家庭醫學科門診病患對「一般看診醫師」表現的滿意程度。其初步結果經 項目分析刪除表現不佳的十四題後,再經因素分析歸納出六項因素,依題意予以命名。其中 最重要的二項因素為「醫師同理心表現」與「醫師診療行為」,與美國醫療機構評鑑聯合委 員會將「病患的期望」分為「關心」與「照顧」兩類之觀念接近。另在四十八題中選定十六題 編製成精簡之問卷,為篇幅適中、文字淺白且效度、信度都經過初步驗證之本土化測量工具 。將來,此工具經再次施測、修改後,可望成為教學、醫療品質改進乃至市場調查之參考。 |
英文摘要 | More and more attention has been paid to patient satisfaction in recent decades as relevant researches blossomed quantitatively and qualitatively. In Taiwan, there were many investigators devoted in this field, but few researches were designed for the development of instruments to assess it. This paper reports the procedures and results of our work in developing a questionnaire to assess ambulatory patient satisfaction with phsysician. Through literature review and a survey with an open-ended questionnaire, the authors collected 92 items about patients' attidudes toward physicians' ambulatory health care. Forty eight items were chosen and a self-administered questionnaire for assessing patient satisfaction with physician was formulated. Then the authors conducted a survey of ambulatory patients sampled from a teaching hospital-based faimily practice clinic with the questionnaire to assess their satisfaction with physicians. After the analysis of items with Spearman correlation coefficient, 14 items were discarded. Then other items received discrimination power analysis and factor analysis. It was revelaled that the patient satisfaction had six possible factors or dimensions、 Scree test of the results revealed that physicians' technical caring behavior (related directively with outcome of medical treatment) and physicians' empathic behavior were two main dimensions of patient satisfaction which were compatible with JCAHO's classification of "patients's expectation" to "the care" and "the caring". A mini-questionnaire with 16 tems, which seems valid and reliable according to the analysis of our survey, is proposed. |