題 名 | 種母土雞蛋白質及代謝能需要量=Protein and Energy Requirements of Taiwan Country Breeder Hens |
作 者 | 林正鏞; 徐阿里; | 書刊名 | 畜產研究 |
卷 期 | 30:1 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁111-123 |
分類號 | 437.713 |
關鍵詞 | 種母土雞; 蛋白質; 代謝能; 需要量; Taiwan country breeder hen; Protein; Metabolizable energy; Requirement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗之目的在探討籠飼種母土雞產蛋期,供餵不同量之蛋白質及代謝能對種母 土雞繁殖性能之影響。選取畜產試驗所育成之 7x11 二元雜交種母土雞,分批進行三個試驗 ,試驗採完全逢機設計,試驗一採用 26 週齡之母土雞 252 隻, 分為六個處理組,雞隻每 天每隻餵飼 85 g 飼料,使母土雞每天採食代謝能 240 kcal,蛋白質採食量分別為 11.0、 12.5、14.0、15.5、17.0 及 18.5g。試驗二採用 33 週齡之母土雞 252 隻,分為七個處理 組,其中六個處理組雞隻每天每隻餵飼 90g 飼料,使母土雞每天採食蛋白質 17.0 g,代謝 能採食量分別為 240、250、260、270、280 及 290 kcal,另一處理組以含蛋白質 14.5%、 代謝能 2740 kcal 之飼糧供雞隻任飼。試驗三採用 45 週齡母土雞 240 隻,分為五個處理 組,其中四個處理組雞隻每天餵飼 100 g 飼料,使母土雞每天分別採食蛋白質 15.5、17.0 g 及代謝能 250、270 kcal, 另一處理組以含蛋白質 14.5%、代謝能 2740 kcal 之飼糧供 雞隻任飼,每批次之試驗期均為 6 週, 並進行繁殖性狀測定,以求出獲致最佳繁殖性能之 蛋白質及代謝能需要量。本試驗以雛雞數、飼料利用效率、雛雞重及體重改變為評估指標。 試驗結果顯示,本所育成之二元雜交種母土雞, 於產蛋期每天餵飼蛋白質 15.5 g、代謝能 270 kcal 可得較佳之繁殖性能。 |
英文摘要 | Three trials were conducted to determine the protein and metabolizable energy (ME) requirements of Taiwan country breeder hens during the laying period. A total of 252, 252 and 240 hens at 26, 33 and 45 weeks of ages were used in trail I, II and III. The hens were allocated randomly into 6, 7 and 5 groups of 42, 36 and 48 hens each in the trail I, II and III, respectively. Hens were allocated into three replicates with fourteen, twelve and sixteen hens in each group in trial I, trial II, trial III, respectively. Hens were fed daily 85 g of feed which provided 240 kcal ME and six levels of protein (11.0, 12.5, 14.0, 15.5, 17.0 and 18.5 g/d) for six weeks in trial I. Hens were fed daily 90 g of feed which provided 17.0 g protein and six levels of ME (240, 250, 260, 270, 280 and 290 kcal/d), and the third groups was fed ad libitum with diets containing 14.5% protein and 2700 kcal ME for six weeks in trial II. Hens were fed daily 100 g of feed which provided two levels of ME (250 and 270 kcal/d) and protein (15.5 and 17.0 g/d), and the third groups was fed ad libitum with diets containing 14.5% protein and 2700 kcal ME for six weeks in trial III. Body weight change, egg production, egg weight, yolk ratio, shell characteristics, fertility, hatchability, feed conversion, hatched live chick weight, and number of chicks per hen were used as parameters for determining the protein and ME requirements of Taiwan country breeder hens. The results indicated that during the laying period for cage-reared breeder hens, daily provision of 270 kcal ME and 15.5 g protein were adequate for maintaining normal reproductive performance. |