題 名 | 韓中類義慣用語研究=A Study on the Similar Idiom between Korean and Chinese |
作 者 | 楊人從; | 書刊名 | 華岡外語學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1997.03[民86.03] |
頁 次 | 頁45-69 |
分類號 | 803.2 |
關鍵詞 | 慣用語; 韓語; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 慣用語為脫離一般語言規則之語言現象之一,其大概為以一般字彙結合卻指其他事物,此為學習該語言之外國人所難解之部份。 韓語之慣用語有來自本國特殊風俗習慣者,亦有吸收外來文化所形成的,其中與中國之慣用語有頗多相似之處,有來自中國古籍故事成語者,也有源自共同思考方式者。 韓中語言中類似之慣用語,泰半為藉具體之事物以譬喻抽象之思想、感情等,以顏面以譬喻名譽,以眼譬喻前瞻之能力,以耳譬喻關心,以口譬喻言語、食慾,鼻以譬喻固執矜持,以心譬喻思考、記憶,以胃譬喻食慾,以腸譬喻心情,以手譬喻掌握、影響,以腳譬喻交際等。 |
英文摘要 | The idiom comes from the special custom, culture so that non-native speaker would not catch their meanings easily. Just as each person has a unique, characteristic signature, each language has unique idioms. Each language contains expressions that make no sense when translated literally into another tongue. But there are many idioms not only in Korean but also in Chinese, have the same expression of feelings. such as the face is for honor, the eye is for vision, the ear is for concern,the mouth is for speech and appetite, the nose is for tenacity, the mind or the head is for thought and memory and idea, the intestine is for feelings, the hand is for worker and keeper, the foot is for relationship, and so on. |