題 名 | 決定勝負的關鍵:候選人特質與能力在總統選舉中的重要性=The Importance of Candidate Images and Capabilities in Presidential Elections |
作 者 | 黃秀端; | 書刊名 | 選舉研究 |
卷 期 | 3:1 1996.05[民85.05] |
頁 次 | 頁103-135 |
分類號 | 573.5521 |
關鍵詞 | 候選人形象; 候選人個人特質; 候選人評價; 候選人能力; 李登輝情結; Candidate images; Candidate personal qualities; Candidate evaluation; Candidate capability; Lee teng-hui complex; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文利用政大選研中心之總統選舉資料來分析候選人形象與能力因素在總統選舉中的重要性。對於候選人因素的測量包括選民對四位總統候選人形象之評估,以及處理問題能力之評估。根據資料顯示,李登輝與其他三位候選人相比,不管是在形象或是能力方面皆受到選民最高的評價,為其他候選人所望塵莫及。 選民對於候選人形象和能力之評估會受到選民預存傾向的影響,這些因素包括政黨認同、政黨滿意度、議題立場和選民個人背景變數。除此之外,這次總統大選最大的特色是「李登輝情結」因素。擁李及反李情結是決定李登輝、林洋港與陳履安三位候選人形象與能力評估最重要的因素,而對彭明敏而言,擁李情結對彭明敏的評估相當重要,但是反李情結對彭明敏一直未產生影響。但是李登輝情結除了對李登輝本人之得票外,對其他候選人的選票並無直接影響,而是透過候選人形象,對投票產生間接影響。候選人形象是決定選民投票最重要之因素,至於能力評估則影響力不如形象,顯然民眾對候選人之評估仍環繞於傳統的幾個候選人特質為主。政黨認同與政黨滿意度除了沒有任何政黨支持的陳履安外,仍具有相當的決定性。 |
英文摘要 | This paper examines the importance of candidate images and candidate's ability in dealing with national issues in presidential elections of 1996 by using survey research data of Election Study Center at National Chengchi University. The results indicated that the incumbent President Lee Teng-hui was ranked the highest among four presidential candidates in terms of voters assessment of candidate personal qualities and candidate's ability to deal with national problems. Lee Teng-hui complex was the most important factor in determining voter's evaluation of candidates' personal qualities and ability in dealing with national issues, except for Peng Ming-min. But Lee Teng-hui complex has no direct influence on vote-choice, it only translated indirect influence through candidate images. Candidate images turned out to be the most important factor in deciding presidential election result. Attitude toward parties and party preferences ranked the next, except Chen Li-an, who was an indepen-dent candidate with no party support. |