題 名 | 國小學童家長性知識、性態度及對性教育看法之研究=The Study about Sex Knowledge, Sex Attitudes and Viewpoints on Sexuality Education of the Parents of Elementay Students |
作 者 | 余坤煌; | 書刊名 | 臺灣性學學刊 |
卷 期 | 2:1 1996.03[民85.03] |
頁 次 | 頁11-24 |
分類號 | 411.99 |
關鍵詞 | 性教育; 性知識; 性態度; 性教育看法; Sexuality education; Sex knowledge; Sex attitude; Viewpoints on sexuality education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解國小學童家長性知識、性態度及對性教育之看法,並探 討影響學童家長性知識、性態度及對實施性教育的看法的因素。以系統抽樣方式 選取臺北市1374位國小學童家長進行問卷調查。經統計分析後獲得下述研究結 果:(1)家長之性知識得分屬中等,性態度傾向於正向,對學校、家庭及社會性教 育持肯定的態度;(2)家長之性知識及性態度均因年齡、教育程度、職業之不同而 有顯著差異,學童家長對實施性教育的看法也隨性別、年齡、教育程度、職業的 不同而不同:(3)家長希望以併入健康教育課程的方式於國小階段實施學校性教 育,對學童所提出的問題.多數能簡要回答或詳細解說;(4)家長認為親職教育的 需求內容偏向兩性基本概念與自我身心的瞭解方面,實施方式則以透過電視專題 報導與報紙、雜誌的專論最被肯定。根據研究結果提出加強性教育建議,作為研 究及推展性教育工作之參考:(1)將性教育納入學校課程中;(2)推展親職性教育;(3) 加強社教機構與傳播媒體的教育功能。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this Study was to explore sex knowledge, sex attitudes and viewpoints on sexuality education of the parents of elementary students, and to investigatethe factors that influenced sex knowledge, sex attitudes and viewpoints on sexualityeducation of the parents. 1374 parents of elementary student of Taipei City were selectedto answer the questionnaire. The major results were obtained as follows : (1) these parents had insufficient Sexknowledge, but their sex attitudes and viewpoints on sexuality education were positive.(2)The urgent needs of the curriculum of sexuality education were the basic conceptsabout gender and the development of physical and psychological characters. (3)The essential factors to affect sex knowledge and attitudes of the parents were sex, age, education, and occupation. According to the result, some suggestions were made as follows: (1) The sexualityedacation was the essential portion of comprehensive school health education. (2) It is necessary to extend sexuality edacation to parents, (3)lt is urgent to enhance the educational function of social education institutions and mass media. |