- The Effects of Parental Responses in the Process of Language Acquisition
- Child Transitional Object Attachment: Nature, Development, and Related Factors
- 語言學習理論與小學英語教學
- 住院癌症病童父母需要之先期研究
- The Developmental Characteristics of Chinese Children with Language Impairment
- 城鄉兒童學習成就及其相關因素之比較研究
- 臺中市學齡兒童肥胖症與父母親體型相關性之研究
- 資優兒童父母的角色
- The Influence of Human Multiple Nature on the Life of Colleen McCullough's Heroine in the Thorn Birds--A Study Based on the Theory of the Transactional Analysis
- 論善意收養失蹤兒童之效力