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題 名 | 婦癌病人治療後性生活滿意度的探討=The Sexual Satisfaction of the Gynecological Cancer Patient |
作 者 | 周珞琦; 馮容莊; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 13:3 1996.09[民85.09] |
頁 次 | 頁351-359 |
分類號 | 419.74 |
關鍵詞 | 婦癌病患; 性觀念; 性需求; 性反應; 性調適; 性滿意度; Gynecological cancer patients; Sexual concepts; Sexual needs; Sexual response; Sexual adjustment; Sexual satisfaction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究屬描述性調查研究,主要目的是為了解婦癌病患接受治療後的性滿意度,以 作為護理專業人員改進婦癌病患性生活復健的服務品質指標。研究者自擬結構式問卷,以性 觀念、性需求、性反應、性調適等四方面作為測量工具,並用六項病患特質來探討與性滿意 度間之關係。以1990年1月至1994年12月於某醫學中心接受治療之婦癌病患為研究對象, 以郵寄、面談及電話訪談的方式收集資料,共發生366份問卷,回收有效問卷91份,回收率 為25%。資料統計分析採百分比、平均數、卡方檢定、變異數分析(ANOVA)。研究結果顯 示:(1)年齡愈長,教育程度愈低,性滿意程度愈差;(2)高中、高職畢業者較其他學歷畢業者 的性觀念較正確;(3)性需求、性調適在滿意分數上有顯著差異;(4)在性觀念上,有78%的病 患未達到滿意程度;性需求有83%病患未達到滿意程度;性反應有85%病患未達到滿意程度; 性調適有72%病患未達到滿意程度;性滿意度有81%病患未達到滿意程度。而綜合統計後總 分平均只達101.21分,顯示未達滿意標準。由此可知,護理人員未來在協助婦癌病患性生活 重建及衛教指導上扮演更重要的角色。 |
英文摘要 | This is a description study. The objective is to understand the sexual satisfaction of patients after gynecological cancer treatment, in order to provide sexual rehabilitation and quality nursing. The structure of the questionnaire included four areas as measuring tools: sexual concepts, sexual needs, sexual response and sexual adjustment. In addition, researchers explored patient characteristics in relationship to their sexual satisfaction. The patients researched were those under gynecological cancer treatment in a Medical Center. Data was collected by mail, face-to-face interviews and through telephone conversation. Of 366 total questionnaires sent out, 91 were completed. The preliminary results show that: 1. elderly and low educated patients have lower sexual satisfaction; 2. high school graduates have a more realistic understanding of sexual concept; 3. scores in areas of sexual needs and sexual adjustment have a significant difference; 4. 81% of women cancer patients scored below satisfaction levels in the four areas. In conclusion, nursing professionals have an important role in providing gynecological cancer patients with health education and information that will help them rehabilitate their sexual life. |