題 名 | 李登輝現象:政治領導與政黨轉型=The Lee Teng-Hui Phenomenon: Political Leadership and Party Transformation |
作 者 | 郭正亮; | 書刊名 | 東吳政治學報 |
卷 期 | 6 1996.09[民85.09] |
頁 次 | 頁203-231 |
分類號 | 573.07 |
關鍵詞 | 民主化; 總統; 舊制度論; 新制度論; 政治領導; 有計劃的權變主義; 政治改革; 政治衝突; 直接穿透; 政治整合; 民粹; 李登輝; 國民黨; Democratization; Old & new institutionalism; Leadership; Reform; Populism; Political conflict; Planful opportunism; Penetration; Lee Teng-hui; KMT; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文以李登輝的崛起為核心,探討李登輝所主導的八年民主改革(1988-1996),對國民黨的權力生態和組織體質所造成的衝擊。本文採取著重歷史發展的新制度論,分析焦點是李登輝的政治領導和國民黨變遷之間的辯証關係。研究包括兩個層面:一是在不同歷史結構中李登輝的改革策略與菁英互動,二是李登輝的系列行動在民主化之中所累積造成的個人權力擴張和國民黨的變遷。本研究指出,由於李登輝的接班基礎薄弱,加上他強烈的民主改革使命,因而造成頗不同於蔣經國的改革策略。影響所及,不僅造成黨內空前的流派衝突和路線爭議,因此導致國民黨的分裂;同時也衍生出領袖權力和選舉競爭的不斷擴大,既導致李登輝在首屆總統大選中的空前勝選,也啟動了國民黨的改造重生。 |
英文摘要 | This study seeks to reinterpret Taiwan's democratic transition and the KMT's party transformation in the light of President Lee's leadership and his rise to power. Applying the neo-institutionalist approach, this study identifies Lee's leadership with “planful opportunism”, and examines each episode of Lee's maneuvre against the old ruling bloc and the resulting political changes. Besides, it also explores the accumulative effects of Lee's “opportunist” leadership and democratic reforms upon the KMT as a political party. It is argued that the KMT splits because Lee expands the scope of political conflict by launching political liberalization, which introduces proindependent forces to enter political arenas and polarizes intra-party conflicts. However, electoral expansion also generates edges for Lee to penetrate local politics via national means and finally enables him to assume plebiscitary leadership in engineering populist mobilization against local machines. Lee's rise to power is concomitant with the KMT's split and its transformation. |