題 名 | 憲政發展與民主化--以臺灣經驗為例=The Development of Constitutional Democracy in Taiwan |
作 者 | 許時珍; | 書刊名 | 中山人文社會科學期刊 |
卷 期 | 8:2=19 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁63-93 |
分類號 | 571.6 |
關鍵詞 | 憲政發展; 民主化; 修憲; 總統直選; 李登輝; 臺灣經驗; Development of constitutional government; Democratization; Constitutional amendment; Presidential election; Lee, Teng-hui; Taiwan experience; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 對於當前第三世界中的憲政後進國家而言,體制選擇的難題不斷困擾著各國的政 治精英。以中華民國所在的臺灣為例,在 1996 年的第一次總統大選雖先令其真正進入民主 國家之列,2000 年時又再度以高達百分之八十二的投票率,和首次政黨和平轉移政權, 創 下民主經驗的難得紀錄;然而如此快速的變遷,對於究竟要選擇總統制?內閣制?雙首長制 ?或是自一新制度的體制,爭議不斷。此時,朝野精英、憲法學者、媒體輿論各有不同的見 解,對於這些論見,本文僅從「憲政發展」和「民主化」的角度出發,來探討李登輝總統主 政之後的六次修憲對於中央政府體制所造成的變化等相關議題,並分析未來憲政體制的可能 變遷。 本論文以臺灣終止動員戡亂時期前後,李總統為推動民主化而進行的六次修憲為主軸,穿插 說明總統直選在民主化的推展過程中所扮演的重要角色,以論述憲政發展的實況與困境。根 據各項分析顯示,我國目前的中央政府體制是維持五權憲法架構,並接近法國雙首長制的「 混合制」;只是在權責上仍出現不均衡的現象,此實為推展健全的憲政制度以及民主化之重 要警訊。 |
英文摘要 | The selections of political systems have always been bothering the administrators and intellectuals for the developing countries in the third world. As an example in Taiwan, the first presidential election was held in 1996, and the voting rate could reach 82% on the second election in 2000. Finally, the controlling authority was even transmitted peacefully to the opposition party. All of these have marked uncommon records in the experiences of worldwide democratization. Nevertheless, in this rapid transformation, is the presidential system, the cabinet system, the semipresidential system, or even a brand new system suitable to Taiwan? We will discuss the influences of the constitutional amendment operated by the pre-President Lee Teng-hui on the central government system, and analyze the possible transition in the development of constitutional rule. The phenomenon of the unbalanced power and responsibility between the President and the Prime Minister will be deserved to notice. |