- 大潭地區環境中重金屬鎘之濃度及分佈研究
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- 條件模擬法模擬小樣區土壤鋅重金屬污染
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題 名 | 大潭地區環境中重金屬鎘之濃度及分佈研究=Study on the Concentrations and Distribution of Heavy Metal Cadmium in Da-Tan Area |
作 者 | 蔡顯修; 翁財發; | 書刊名 | 台電工程月刊 |
卷 期 | 575 1996.07[民85.07] |
頁 次 | 頁97-109 |
分類號 | 445.2593 |
關鍵詞 | 重金屬; 土壤; 灌溉水; 底泥; 鎘含量; 毒性溶出試驗; Heavy metal; Soil; Irrigation; Sediment; Cadmium; Content; TCLP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 桃園縣觀音鄉大潭村高銀化工廠因排放未經處理之含鎘廢水,致污染附 近地區稻田土壤及稻米,經前台灣省水污染防治所進行受鎘污染程度調查,結果 劃定十七頃休耕區,成為我國首宗重金屬污染農業環境公害案件。 由民國七十一年之土壤調查報告中鎘含量達1319mg/kg至八十三年底土壤中鎘含 量已降至108mg/kg,且受鎘污染區污染之灌溉渠道及其附近小飯壢溪底泥毒性溶 出試驗之鎘含量皆在0.159mg/1以下,低於有害事業廢棄物溶出試驗認定標準 1.0mg/l。鎘污染區及其附近灌溉水或河川水質中分析得鎘含量亦在0.1μg/1以 下,遠低於甲類河川水質標準。又鎘污染區附近空氣中鎘含量僅介於0.001μg/Nm �陛A及0.003μg/Nm�偉﹛A幾未受鎘污染區土壤中鎘含量之影響。由該地區環境 中之河川水質及空氣中鎘含量的調查結果顯示現階段受鎘污染地之影響極為有 限。 |
英文摘要 | The untreated cadmium wastewater discharged from COINChemical Industrial Co. Ltd. in Da-Tan Village, Tau-Yenprefecture, polluted the rice and paddy soil around the factoryand caused the first agricultural environment pollution eventby heavy metal in Taiwan. It was repoted that the cadmium contenti of paddy soil inpolluted area reached 1319mg/kg in 1982. However, accordingto the investigation result in 1994, it readuced to 108mg/kg.Simultaneously, the cadmium contenti of sediment in irrigationchannel and show-Fan-Li river near the polluted area wasfound under 0.159mg/l by TCLP test which was lower than therecogized standard 1.0mg/1 of TCLP test of hazardous waste.The cadmium content of water in irrigation and river in thevicinity of polluted area was under 0.1mg/1 which was also farlower than the water quality standard of the first grade river.Besides, the cadmium content of ambient air around thepolluted area was only between 0.001mg/Nm�� and 0.003μg/Nm ��,which means the cadmium content of soil had little, influenceon air qualify. The latest investigation of cadmium content, in Da-Tanarea indicates that theie's little impact on water and airquality due to cadmium pollution. |