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題 名 | 鱗莖大小對臺灣百合生長、開花及子鱗莖之影響=Effect of Bulb Size on Growth, Flowering and Daughter-Generation Bulb Formation of Lilium Formosanum Wall |
作 者 | 李裕娟; 楊純明; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 175 1996.09[民85.09] |
頁 次 | 頁112-126 |
分類號 | 435.456 |
關鍵詞 | 鱗莖周徑; 鱗莖重量; 開花期; 生長; 結子率; 子鱗莖; 臺灣百合; Bulb circumference; Bulb weight; Days to flowering; Growth; Fertility; Second-generation bulb; Lilium formosanum wall; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究係於臺灣省農業試驗所農場進行盆栽試驗,以探討鱗莖大小對臺灣百合生長、開花及子鱗莖之影響。臺灣百合為臺灣原生的百合,試驗所採集的鱗莖來自臺灣百合野生的產地,在測量不同周徑大小與重量後,經低溫儲藏6週(3℃),再予以定植。生育期間定期記錄生長性狀、生殖性狀,待植株黃化、果莢成熟後,再採收地下部的子鱗莖。根據試驗結果,臺灣百合鱗莖周徑與重量呈正相關,即周徑增大重量亦隨之增加。另定植後至第一朵花開所需的天數亦與鱗莖周徑大小呈正相關趨勢,且植株高度、莖高、葉片數和節位數皆隨周徑增大而增加。唯鱗莖周徑效應存有限制,當到達一定的周徑(160mm)時,其生長趨勢有減緩的現象。果莢平均種子數和單株總種子數與鱗莖周徑大小無關,與結子率亦無明顯相關。採收子鱗莖的周徑和重量與原先定植前的周徑和重量呈正相關,但當鱗莖周徑大於161mm時,子鱗莖周徑和重量之增加有減緩趨勢,此可能為鱗莖太大易分裂成小鱗莖之結果。 |
英文摘要 | Potted experiments were conducted at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Experimental Farm to evaluate effect of bulb size on growth, flowering and second-generation bulbs of lilium formosanum wall., an endemic species of Taiwan. The circumference and weight of bulbs were measured at harvest and were planted after 6 weeks low temperature (3°C) storage. The growth and reproductive characters were recorded during the growing period and the second-generation bulbs were harvested after maturity. Results indicted that circumference was positively correlated with bulb weight, plant height, stem height, numbers of leaf, nodes per plant, and days to flowering. No significant was found between bulb circumference and seeds per capsule and total seeds per plant. There was no correlation with fertility either. Positive correlation was also found in circumference and weight between the parent and the second generation bulbs. |