題 名 | 職業生涯與職業地位取得的性別差異--臺灣地區汽車及其零件製造業實證研究 |
作 者 | 王雅芬; | 書刊名 | 勞資關係論叢 |
卷 期 | 3 1995.10[民84.10] |
頁 次 | 頁117-152 |
分類號 | 542.71 |
關鍵詞 | 職業生涯; 職業地位取得; 性別差異; 臺灣地區; 汽車; 零件製造業; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 新結構論強調勞動市場的異質性造成勞動市場過程與結果的歧異,不單只是個人特性會影響勞動市場過程的各種分配(如所得、地位)。所以本研究結合勞動市場理論與地位取得模型,試著設定一「職業生涯與職業地位取得模型」,以臺灣地區汽車及其零件製造業為實證研究對象,藉著此模型來探討職業地位取得在不同性別間的差異情形;主要欲了解性別間勞動市場過程與結果的歧異除了本身出身背景(父職、父教)、教育程度的影響外,是如何透過勞動市場的運作而產生。 以路徑分析獲致的結果顯示,教育對初職地位的影響相當大,而進入勞動市場後,隨著勞動市場的運作,歷次的職業地位對目前職業地位的影響逐漸取代教育的影響力。而女性由於在進入勞動市場之初即受性別職業隔離的影響,歷次的職位經驗並不能為其累積地位取得的優勢,在「起跑點」不平等的情況下,女性必須長期依靠教育程度去爭取職業地位。 |
英文摘要 | New structuralism has emphasized the importance of structural features of the labor market as constraints on the career contingencies and economic rewards of individuals (e.g. earnings, status). This research thus integrates the notion of new structuralism into the status attainment model, and applies it to a surveyed data in Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to examine how workers of both sexes and in different types of firm may be influenced differently. The data are collected from 1,876 workers employed by 20 firms of Taiwan's auto and auto parts industry. By the use of the path analysis, this paper finds that worker's education reveals a substantial impact on his (her) first job status, but that influence gradually declines as work experience enhances. Comparing with males, females are relatively more restricted by occupational segregation, hence, they have to rely on education to achieve their career status in the long-run. |