題 名 | 由急診檢傷分類系統探討急診護理時數 |
作 者 | 繆珣; 林純如; 陳秀蓮; 黃朱貝; | 書刊名 | 榮總護理 |
卷 期 | 12:4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁351-361 |
分類號 | 419.7 |
關鍵詞 | 急診檢傷分類系統; 護理時數; 護理人力; 護理人力成本; Emergency triage system; Nursing hour; Nursing manpower; Nursing manpower cost; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 醫院中之護理時數在護理人力探討上被廣泛地應用,然而急診護理不同於一般病房,其護理時數也甚少被討論。本研究是以急診檢傷分類來探討不同病情危急程度病人之護理時數,以康立急診護理人力及護理人力成本之估貞標準。自民國83年元月4日至元月10日止,於某醫學中心急診室進行為期一週之工作分析。參察之護理活動分為直接、間接、相關及個人時間四項。七天中於三班採每15分鐘連續瞬間觀察法,共觀察6048人次。分析結果,急診護理活動中直接護理活動佔30、間接護理活動佔37%、相關護理活動佔18%、個人時間佔15%。各類病患平均護理時數為:「極緊急」病患3.93小時、「緊急「病患2.29小時、「次急」病患1.06小時、「不急」病患0.29小時。由以上資料可算出每日所需之護理人力。另由該院護理人員每分鐘平均薪資6.315元計算護理人力成本,則四類患者之護理人力成本分別為1489.1元、867.7元、401.6元、及109.9元。 本研究貢獻除可建立診護理時數基準外,尚對急診人力成本計算提供了具體之資料。 |
英文摘要 | The nursing hours in the hospital and its application to the staffing of nursing manpower have been discussed widely in literature. But the nursing hours in the Emergency department have rarely been discussed in literature. To investigate the nurse manpower cost and the nursing manpower demand in the ED, we conducted a study during a one-week period from January 4 to January 10, 1994. We observed 40 nursing activities including direct care, indirect care, related care, and personal time, which accounted for 30%, 37%, 18%, and 15% of the 6048 observations respectively. The patients were classified into four groups according to the triage system in the ED. The nursing hours of emergency urgent, sub-urgent, and non-urgent patients were 3.93 hours, 2.29 hours, 1.06 hours, and 0.29 hour respectively. According to the nursing manpower cost of NT 6.315 per minute in this hospital, the emergency nursing manpower costs were NT 1489.1, 8677, 401.6, and 109.9 for each visit of emergency, urgent, sub-urgent, and non-urgent patients. In conclusion, our research helps to establish the standard of emergency nursing manpower helps to provide the basic data for calculate emergency nursing manpower cost. |